
Sharon Andrews

Sharon Williams Andrews

Distinguished Instructor
MA, Southern Methodist University

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260-F Allen Hall

Curriculum Vitae


Sharon Williams Andrews joined the LSU English Department in the spring of 1999. She is a Distinguished Instructor of English and currently serves as Associate Director of the University Writing Program. She teaches composition and poetry courses with an emphasis on Service-Learning. Andrews received the Robert Udick Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award for the LSU College of Humanities and Social Sciences in 2021 and the LSU Outstanding Service-Learning Faculty Award in 2020. Andrews was also the recipient of the LSU Outstanding Service-Learning Faculty Award in 2000, the 2003 TIAA-CREF Outstanding Service-Learning Faculty Award, the 2007 Tiger Athletic Foundation Teaching Award, and the 2007 Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity Outstanding Faculty Award. She was inducted as an Honorary Member of the LSU chapter of the Golden Key International Honor Society in 2011 and received the Alpha Lambda Delta Freshman Honor Society for dedication to instruction in 1999, 2007, and 2010. In 2011, Andrews was recognized by the Gulf-South Summit on Service-Learning for Outstanding Contributions to Service-Learning in Higher Education.

Area(s) of Interest

Composition, Poetry, Service-Learning