
Jennifer Rood and Tiffany Stewart

For over three decades, LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center has been the leading provider of nutrition science for the U.S. Department of Defense. Now, through a new federal award of $3.6 million, researchers Tiffany Stewart and Jennifer Rood will launch four additional projects to improve the health, performance and resilience of the American solider and Louisiana guardsmen and cadets.

Dr. Hollis O'Neal

Sepsis is the No. 1 cause of death in hospitals and Louisiana leads the country with the highest rate of sepsis mortality, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hollis O’Neal, MD, Critical Care Physician at LSU Health Sciences Center and Medical Director of Research at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, was the national principal investigator that led to the creation of an FDA-cleared test for sepsis.

LSU Baton Rouge campus

The Provost's Fund for Innovation in Research makes a bold $1.1M investment in big, emerging ideas.

Ana María Otamendi

LSU has been approved by the National Endowment for the Arts to receive a Challenge America award to support the Collaborative Piano Institute at the LSU School of Music, a three-week annual summer program for up to 100 pianists, singers, composers, string instrumentalists and bassoonists.

LSU Center for Energy Studies Update

LSU Center for Energy Studies, or CES, Executive Director and Professor David E. Dismukes has announced that he will retire effective Jan. 13. Robert Twilley, interim vice president for the LSU Office of Research and Economic Development, has named CES Associate Professor Gregory B. Upton, Jr., as interim executive director.

Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History

To further understand the impact of climate change on cultural and information repositories, the Institute of Museum and Library Services in Washington, D.C. has awarded a grant to LSU School of Library & Information Science Associate Professor Edward Benoit III and LSU Department of Geography & Anthropology Associate Professor Jill Trepanier.

Nicollette Davis

LSU Librarian Nicollette Davis has been named a 2023 Emerging Leader by the American Library Association. Established in 1876, ALA is the oldest and largest library association in the world with more than 60,000 members.

Adams Bay

In order to preserve and to better understand the lives and cultures of ancient Louisiana peoples, large-scale salvage and investigation of archaeological sites is urgently needed, according to a new study by scientists at LSU.

Dr. David Guzick

The National Academy of Medicine-recognized physician will begin on Jan. 9

LSU Large Animal Clinic

The LSU School of Veterinary Medicine is working with the FDA and the Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry to investigate this issue and treat some of the affected horses.