Naohiro Kato
Associate Professor
BMB and CDIB Divisions
PhD: Hiroshima University, 1998
Phone: 225-578-2004 Office: 226 Life Sciences Building
Lab Phone: 225-578-4741
Office: 226 Life Sciences Building
Lab: 225/229/230 Life Sciences Building
Area of Interest
I am interested in the traffic control of molecules such as proteins and lipids in plant cells. My lab uses recombinant DNA, cell imaging, and mathematical modeling approaches to address our questions and hypotheses.
Selected Publications
Authors with bold letters are from the Kato Lab
Y Fujikawa, T Nakanishi, H Kawakami, K Yamasaki, MH Sato, H Tsuji, M Matsuoka, N Kato
Split luciferase complementation assay to detect regulated protein-protein interactions
in rice protoplasts in a large-scale. Rice, 2014 56:457-469
N Kato, T Dong, M Bailey, T Lum, D Ingram

Triacylglycerol mobilization is suppressed by brefeldin A in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Plant Cell Physiol, 2013, 54:1585-1599
N Kato
Editorial: Luciferase and Bioluminescence Microscopy for Analyses of Membrane Dynamics
in Living Cells. J Membra Sci Technol, 2012, 2:e109
N Kato and H Bai
Expression, localization, and interaction of SNARE proteins in Arabidopsis are selectively
altered by the dark. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2010, volume 5 issue 11
N Kato, H He, AP Steger
A Systems model of vesicle trafficking in Arabidopsis pollen tubes. Plant Physiology,
2010 152:590-601
N Kato, D Reynolds, ML Brown, M Boisdore, Y Fujikawa, A Morales, LA Meisel
Multidimensional fluorescence microscopy of multiple organelles in Arabidopsis seedlings.
Plant Methods, 2008 19;4:9
Y Fujikawa and N Kato
Split luciferase complementation assay to study protein-protein interactions in Arabidopsis
protoplasts. Plant Journal, 2007 52: 185-195
Please visit the Kato Lab website for more publications.