David J. Vinyard 

Associate ProfessorDavid Vinyard
BMB Division
Ph.D., Princeton University, 2013

Office: A308 Life Sciences Annex
Lab: A321/A323/A346 Life Sciences Annex
Phone: 225-578-0958
Lab Phone: 225-578-1022
Email: dvinyard@lsu.edu 

Area of Interest

Our laboratory investigates the chemical mechanisms used by plants and some microbes to convert solar energy to chemical energy through photosynthesis. We apply techniques from molecular biology, biochemistry and spectroscopy to track the assembly and function of the protein machinery that makes molecular oxygen, O2, from water and sunlight.

Selected Publications

Brandon P. Russell and David J. Vinyard, “Chloride facilitates Mn(III) formation during photo-assembly of the Photosystem II oxygen-evolving complex.” Photosynthesis Research, 2021.

Drew M. Hood, Ryan A. Johnson, Alex E. Carpenter, Jarod M. Younker, David J. Vinyard, and George G. Stanley, “Highly active cationic cobalt(II) hydroformylation catalysts.” Science, 2020, 367, 542-548.

David J. Vinyard, Syed Lal Badshah, M. Rita Riggio, Divya Kaur, Annaliesa R. Fanguy, and M. R. Gunner, “Photosystem II oxygen-evolving complex photo-assembly displays an inverse H/D solvent isotope effect under chloride-limiting conditions.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 2019, 116, 18917-18922.

David J. Vinyard and Gary W. Brudvig. “Progress towards a molecular mechanism of water oxidation in Photosystem II.” Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 2017, 68, 101-116.

David J. Vinyard, Sahr Khan, Mikhail Askerka, Victor S. Batista, and Gary W. Brudvig. “Energetics of the S2 state spin isomers of the oxygen-evolving complex of Photosystem II.” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2017, 121, 1020-1025.

David J. Vinyard, Mikhail Askerka, Richard J. Debus, Victor S. Batista, and Gary W. Brudvig. “Ammonia binding in the second coordination sphere of the oxygen-evolving complex of Photosystem II.” Biochemistry, 2016, 55, 4432-4436.

David J. Vinyard and Gary W. Brudvig. “Insights into substrate binding to the oxygen-evolving complex of Photosystem II from ammonia inhibition studies.” Biochemistry, 2015, 54, 622-628.

David J. Vinyard, Javier Gimpel, Gennady M. Ananyev, Stephen P. Mayfield, and G. Charles Dismukes. “Engineered Photosystem II reaction centers optimize photochemistry versus photoprotection at different solar intensities.” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136, 4048-4055.

David J. Vinyard, Gennady M. Ananyev, and G. Charles Dismukes. “Photosystem II: The reaction center of oxygenic photosynthesis.” Annual Review of Biochemistry, 2013, 82, 577-606.

David J. Vinyard, Chase E. Zachary, Gennady M. Ananyev, and G. Charles Dismukes. “Thermodynamically accurate modeling of the catalytic cycle of photosynthetic oxygen evolution: a mathematical solution to asymmetric Markov chains.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Bioenergetics, 2013, 1827, 861-868.

David J. Vinyard, Javier Gimpel, Gennady M. Ananyev, Mario A. Cornejo, Susan S. Golden, Stephen P. Mayfield, and G. Charles Dismukes. “Natural variants of Photosystem II subunit D1 tune photochemical fitness to solar intensity.” Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2013, 288, 5451-5462.