
Adam Hrincevich

If you've had Dr. Adam Hrincevich as your instructor at LSU, you may remember him by his passion for learners, relatable personality and rigorous courses.


When you hear the term "boot camp," you may think of intensive rigorous physical training. Two LSU Instructors are gearing up for another kind of boot camp called BIOS, or Biology Intensive Orientation for Students.

Nootkatone crystal

Three LSU researchers are buckling down as they find a way to stop the spread of West Nile virus, Lyme disease and malaria.

Caterpillars in lab

The tug-of-war between hosts and pathogens has been on the mind of Dr. Bret Elderd, LSU's Biological Science Ronald and Denise Alvarez Professor, for 20 years as he continues to examine outbreaks of disease.

How CT Scans Are Being Used to Find Anatomy of Animals

The LSU College of Science is welcoming a new CT scan that will be used to capture high resolution images of preserved amphibians, birds, fishes, mammals, reptiles, and even fossils housed in the LSU Museum of Natural Science.

Assistant Professor Christine Lattin Named 2024 LSU Rainmaker

LSU Biological Science Professor Dr. Huangen Ding and senior Aidan Purcell

LSU Biological Science Professor Dr. Huangen Ding and senior Aidan Purcell spent spring break 2024 in the lab studying what's happening in bacteria.

Ten Years Later: LSU Biological Sciences Professor Reflects on Gulf of Mexico Fishes Put At Risk by 2010 Oil Spill

The true cost of science's language barrier for non-native English speakers

Survey quantifies the extra time that researchers whose first language isn't English need to read, write and present data.

Li and Tan Win NSF Awards