
Sabbatical Application Procedures

The College of Science actively encourages faculty to take advantage of sabbatical opportunities. Full-time faculty at the rank of instructor or above who have completed six years of service without leave with pay may apply for a sabbatical. Sabbatical leave is intended to afford our top scholars the opportunity to participate in research and projects away from campus that they would normally not be able to take advantage of because of their institutional responsibilities. For detailed information, please refer to page 15 of the Faculty Handbook, PS-12 Leave Guidelines, and Chapter III, Section 3-1, of the Bylaws & Regulations of the Board of Supervisors. Per PM-12, if sabbatical leave is granted, a report of the accomplishments under each leave granted shall be made promptly upon return from sabbatical leave. The schedule for the review of sabbatical leave requests and the guidelines for formulating a sabbatical plan and application packet are below.

Effective Fall 2021, the sabbatical leave process will be completed online through a system called .  


Faculty members interested in applying for sabbatical leave are encouraged to reach out to their department’s HR Contact or Rose Dedon (rdedon@lsu.edu) with any questions.