
Center for Computation and Technology REU

This project is a ten week program where students work collaboratively on a wide variety of computational science projects.

The Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) at 51Âþ»­ (LSU) provides an ideal setting for the REU student to become familiar with interdisciplinary research. With research groups exploring gravitational waves, complex emergent phenomena in material science, or computational music, the participants work on cutting edge research in Computational Sciences.

The students learn how to use the most current cyberinfrastructure tools with individually designed training sessions targeted to their specific degree of preparation. In addition, since most CCT research groups collaborate with international researchers, REU students are exposed to how international collaborations work.

This program involves nine students every summer. Each student receives a stipend of $5,000, free housing in university dormitories, and up to $600 in travel expenses to and from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

* Application deadline: March 1


  • Undergraduates, community college students graduating at least one semester after completion of the REU, or high school seniors attending college in the fall
  • Interested in a major that is within the computational science umbrella (leaves out few majors as it includes all sciences, mathematics, engineering, etc.),
  • With at least a 2.75 GPA,
  • Considering a career in research and/or graduate school in their major, and
  • US citizens or a permanent residents.