Research Facilities
There are a number of facilities, either on-campus or nearby that our students and faculty use in their research programs.
College & Departmental Facilities
Biological Sciences
Associated Research & Educational Facilities:
- The Cain Center for Scientific, Technological, Engineering, and Mathematical Literacy:
The Cain Center provides leadership in interdisciplinary educational research and
practices that support and enhance literacy in science, technology, engineering and
- Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD): CAMD is a 1.3 GeV synchrotron for materials characterization and microstructure fabrication.
- CCT provides high-performance computing resources for LSU, regional and international
- LIGO is working to detect gravity waves, predicted by Einstein's theory of general
- LSU Medical Physics & Health Physics Partnership with Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center: LSU Department of Physics & Astronomy collaborates with MBPCC in a joint educational and research program in Medical Physics.
- Pennington is involved in researching the connection between nutrition and health.