
Dennis R. Wissing | LSU Superfund Research Center



    Dennis R. Wissing

    Professor of Medicine & Cardiopulmonary Science , Assistant Dean, LSU Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA

    Phone: 318-573-9788
    Fax: 318-813-2909
    Email: dwissi@lsuhsc.edu

    Website: http://www.lsuhscshreveport.edu/AlliedHealth/AlliedHealthDirectory/Wissing_Dennis_12.aspx

    Research Interests, Expertise:

    • Asthma
    • Trigger control
    • Mechanical ventilation
    • Cognitive science
    • Nutritional related issues—focus on obesity

    Recent Publications:


    Nelson, D and Wissing, D. 2009. Office Spirometry in T. Zuber and E. Mayeaux (eds) Essentials in Primary Care Procedures, 1st Ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

    Dulle, A. and Wissing, D. 2009. Airway Clearance in the Post-Operative Patient. AARC Times 33(4)32-36.


    Wissing, D. and Cameron, A. 2008. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Co-morbidities. AARC Times 32(6) 28-33.

    Britton, L, Powell, T, & Wissing. 2008. Overview of Concept Mapping and V Diagrams. Respiratory Care Education Annual. 17; 35-46.


    Basco, R. and Wissing, D. 2007. Pharmacologic Management of COPD. AARC Times 31(11)30-33.

    Wissing, D. 2007.  Exacerbations of Asthma.  52(9):1240 Book Review, Respiratory Care.

    Wissing, D. (2007) Clinical Manifestations and Assessment of Lung Disease. 5th ed.  52(2):205 Book Review, Respiratory Care.


    Merendino, D. and Wissing, D. (2006) Capillary Blood Gas Sampling in the Neonatal Intensive Care unit. AARC Times 30(12) 36-39.

    Britton, L & Wissing, D. 2006. Authentic Assessment of Learning Outcomes. Respiratory Care Education Annual. 15; 21-30.

    Wissing, D. 2006. New Hydration Standards for Exercising in the Heat. Forum, July, 2006.

    Wissing, D. 2006. Health Consequences of Secondhand Smoke. Forum, September, 2006.


    Merendino, M and Wissing, D. 2005. Alterative Sites for Respiratory Care Practitioners. North American Clinics. (11)3. 543-555.

    Wissing, D. 2005. Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. AARC Times 29(7) 4-9.