
Resources for Students

Social Media

Follow the to get updated news about our latest talks and events on campus!

LSU Library

The LSU Library has prepared a subject site for  Make sure to consult it when working on papers and research projects! You may also speak with the subject librarian for philosophy at the LSU Libraries.

Careers and Jobs After Philosophy

You can do far more than just become a philosophy professor with your philosophy degree. Check out the website for stories about non-academic careers in philosophy.

LSU Career Services assists students and alumni in choosing careers, obtaining career-related work experiences while in school, developing job search skills, and securing employment or admission to graduate or professional school. The team at Career Services offers one-on-one counseling/coaching appointments, as well as a variety of career events and interviewing opportunities. You can also find a wealth of resources and information on  Call for an appointment at 225-578-2162.

4-year Sample Curricula

Students who wish to major in Philosophy, with or without a concentration, can find suggested four-year curricula by  and selecting the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The LSU Philosophy Colloquium

The LSU Philosophy Colloquium is established for the expressed purpose of building a community of students, faculty, staff, and public citizens who support the study and practice of philosophy. Any LSU student, faculty or staff member, as well as any member of the public, who subscribes to the purpose and basic policies of the organization may become a member of this organization, subject only to compliance with the provision of the constitution. To keep track of colloquium events, check the Facebook page at: .

Campus Life

To find groups and organizations with the same interests as you, visit the Student Life website and check out some of the available opportunities. 

LSU Cares

LSU Cares is a collaborative campus-wide initiative led by the Division of Student Life & Enrollment to identify and positively intervene with students to help them succeed. The mission of LSU Cares centers on providing a mechanism for reporting situations and students of concern in an appropriate way.

The initiative consists of two teams: the Academic Intervention Team (AIT) which addresses academic concerns, and the C.A.R.E. (Communicate, Assess, Refer, Educate) Team, which addresses behavioral concerns.  Concerns about LSU students can be submitted online at the LSU Cares page at http://www.lsu.edu/lsucares. Submissions will be immediately routed to the appropriate team for review. Appropriate submissions may include academic or personal difficulties such as death in the family, irregular course attendance, financial difficulties or academic underperformance.

LSU is a caring, supportive, purposeful, and engaged community supporting all current students across the university.  We appreciate your support.