
Curriculum Studies MA

Curriculum Studies draws upon education and learning principles to prepare students to become leaders, scholars, and agents of change in educational, community and human service settings. This specialization serves students in a wide variety of disciplinary backgrounds who are pursuing a wide range of goals from PhD admission to furthering professional development in a variety of educational fields including social foundations, museum education, nursing education, community activism and policy studies.

Required Courses 

ELRC 4249 Understanding and Applying Research in Education (3)
ELRC 7001 Ethics and Educational Leadership (3)

Choose one
EDCI 7901 Curriculum Theory (3)
ELRC 7601 Foundations of Higher Education (3)
ELRC 7393 Multicultural Counseling (3)

EDCI 7904 Education and Cognition (3)
EDCI 4800 Teaching in the Multicultural Classroom (3)

ANTH 4090 Ethnographic Methodology (3)
ELRC 4006 Introduction to Applied Statistics in Educational Research (3)
ELRC 7220 Education Program Evaluation (3)
ELRC 7243 Qualitative Methods in Educational Research (3)

The course plan is developed in consultation with and approved by the student’s graduate advisory committee.

The course plan is developed in consultation with and approved by the student’s graduate advisory committee.

The student must pass a comprehensive final exam consisting of a series of written questions pertaining to the specialization.




Financial Information

For More Information

Molly Quinn, PhD
121C Peabody Hall
(225) 578-1725