
MEd Curriculum & Instruction: Reading/Literacy Education


The Master of Education (MEd) degree provides certified teachers with advanced coursework in aspects related to literacy education. The program extends knowledge beyond initial teacher preparation by focusing on coursework that targets literacy foundations, philosophies, research, methods, and materials. Students have five years to complete all degree requirements. This includes required courses to earn the Reading Specialist endorsement in Louisiana.

Program Structure

The MEd in literacy education is a 36-hour program. The program accommodates both full-time and part-time graduate students. Most courses are offered annually. Students complete a minimum of 12 hours in the areas of curriculum studies, research, technology, and humanistic and behavioral studies. Students complete an additional 12 hours in literacy education, and 6 - 12 hours of electives. The number of electives required is dependent on whether the student selects the thesis, research project, or comprehensive examination option. The 36 credit-hour requirement may be met in one of three ways:

  • 30 hours of coursework and a thesis carrying 6 credit hours;
  • 33 hours of coursework and a research project carrying 3 credit hours; or
  • 36 hours of coursework and a written comprehensive examination.

At least one half of the minimum required credit must be at or above the 7000 level and at least 21 credit hours must be taken within the School of Education. 

Required Coursework

EDCI 7824 Elementary School Curriculum (3)
EDCI 7825 Secondary School Curriculum (3)
EDCI 7901 Curriculum Theory (3)

ELRC 4006 Introduction to Applied Statistics in Educational Settings (3)
ELRC 4249 Understanding and Applying Research in Education (3)
ELRC 7243 Qualitative Methods in Educational Research (4)
or approved equivalent

ELRC 4507 Computer Technology in Education (3)
ELRC 4535 Educational Telecommunications and the Internet (3)
ELRC 7505 Design and Development of Multimedia Instructional Units (3)
or approved equivalent

EDCI 4800 Teaching in the Multicultural Classroom (3)
EDCI 7106 Teaching Literacy to Students of Diverse Cultural Backgrounds (3)
EDCI 7904 Education and Cognition (3)
or approved equivalent

EDCI 7105 Literacy for Elementary Grades (depends on emphasis) (3)
EDCI 7131 Disciplinary Literacy (3)
EDCI 7682
Diagnostic/Assessment in Literacy (3) (prereq. EDCI 7105
EDCI 7683 Guiding Classroom Literacy Instruction (3) (prereq. EDCI 7105 and EDCI 7682)

These are required courses for the Louisiana endorsement. You must be eligible for or hold a Louisiana teaching license and have taught for three years.

The academic course plan for area of specialization is developed in consultation with and approved by the student’s graduate advisory committee.

Electives may include courses outside the School of Education. Electives are approved by the major advisor.

Minors and Literacy Course Offerings

The Writing Pedagogy Minor may be used with graduate degrees in Curriculum & Instruction.

EDCI 7129 Writing Seminar: From Idea to Manuscript (3)
EDCI 7311 Topics in Language Arts Education (LSU Writing Project) (6)
EDCI 7314 Teaching Written Composition from PK through Grade 6 (3 hours)

EDCI 7129 Writing Seminar: From Idea to Manuscript (3)
EDCI 7311 Topics in Language Arts Education (LSU Writing Project) (6)
EDCI 7142 Studies in the Teaching of Composition in Secondary Schools (3)

EDCI 7107 Topics in Reading Education (3-6 hours)
EDCI 7112 Early Literacy Development and Instruction (3)
EDCI 7130 Techniques and Resources for Literacy Instruction (3)
EDCI 7135 Techniques for Teaching Literacy in the Middle and Secondary School (3)
EDCI 7142 Studies in the Teaching of Composition in Secondary Schools (3)
EDCI 7143 The Teaching of Literature in Secondary Schools (3)
EDCI 7205 Critical Analysis of Current Literary Research (3)
EDCI 7314 Teaching Written Composition from PK through Grade 6 (3)
EDCI 7610 Advanced Seminar and Practicum in Curriculum & Instruction (independent study option) (6)
EDCI 7684 Advanced Internship in Literacy (3-6)
EDCI 7821 Problems in Curriculum & Instruction (independent study option) (3)
EDCI 7822 Problems in Curriculum & Instruction (independent study option) (3)



Financial Information


Kim Skinner, PhD
121D Peabody Hall

Email Dr. Skinner