Academic Plans
The Louisiana Board of Regents has removed the Letter of Intent process for new programs and replaced it with an annual academic plan. Each year, institutions must submit an updated three-year academic plan that includes a comprehensive list of intended degree program and academic unit additions, terminations, reconfigurations, and consolidations, with relevant details for each. Intended new degree programs must be designed to support the wellbeing of the state by meeting the needs of students, industry, and academia and must fall within the existing role, scope, and mission of the institution. Academic plans shall be submitted to Regents after appropriate review and approval at the system level.
Each September, the Board of Regents will approve the academic plans of the institutions. Once approved, full program proposals may be submitted to the Board of Regents. The table below provides information on the programs each college proposed for the upcoming academic year and where these programs stand currently in the routing processes as described in .
For questions about where new degree program proposals are in the academic routing process, contact Margaret Finch at