
Requirements for a LSU Service-Learning Class


The essential criteria for designating a course as service-learning (S-L) at LSU are that it:

  • addresses a community-identified (campus, local, regional, global) need
  • service-learning supports the attainment of one or more course objectives
  • demonstrates a clear connection between the service activity and the course content
  • involves reciprocity between course and community that has the potential to result in student's increased civic awareness and engagement
  • involves structured student reflection on the service experience and its relation to course goals
  • involves collaboration with an appropriate community partner

To be designated as a S-L course, the S-L activities must be with nonprofit organizations or governmental agencies, PK- 12 schools, the philanthropic arm of a for-profit organization, or other initiatives approved by the CCELL Course Designation Committee on a case-by-case basis. The experiences may not be co-op, internship, clinical practicum and other activities that are designed to meet only student learning needs.