

Community Engaged Research Scholars Program

This program is intended for faculty with a solid understanding of community engagement and is offered every other year, in rotation with the Service-Learning Faculty Scholars Program. Faculty who are selected for the program will identify an item of engaged scholarship they wish to develop and finalize for dissemination during the academic year. Each Scholar will receive a total stipend award of $1,500 when they complete the program and submit a written scholarly product for publication. 

*Learn more about our past Community Engaged Research Scholar Recipients 

Faculty Scholars Program

The Service-Learning Faculty Scholars Program is offered in rotation with the Community Engaged Research Scholars Program. The Faculty Scholars program offers $1,500 stipends to full-time LSU faculty members (rank of instructor or above) to attend a weekly seminar 1 hour per week for 5 weeks consisting of discussion and planning with other faculty scholars. Discussion topics will include S-L course design, civic responsibilities of universities, community partnerships, liability, assessment, and reflection as they relate to service-learning courses. Participants must develop a service-learning course syllabus during the planning semester and commit to integrate academic service-learning into a course taught in the following year. 

*Learn more about our past Service-Learning Faculty Scholar Recipients 

1:1 Grant Consultations

Major grants commonly require applicants to explain the impacts of their work on local populations, communities, and/or broader social and environmental problems. To support rigor in this part of grant applications made by LSU community members, CCELL offers 1:1 grant consultations with our Director, by request.

To schedule a consultation, email Dr. Sarah Becker (sbecker@lsu.edu).

Other Grant Opportunities: