
Community Partners | LSU Center for Community Engagement, Learning, and Leadership

CCELL Community Partners


Over the years that CCELL has been in existence, we have developed many community partner relationships. We consider our community partnerships to be more than simply a partner relationship, they are considered co-teachers to our students outside of the classroom. These four partnerships detailed below are a few of our long-standing partnerships.

is a non-profit organization that fosters the development of a healthy lifestyle pattern for women who are single and indigent, and who are in transition from dependence to independence. Their main goal is to help women and children rebuild their lives by empowering women to achieve economic self-sufficiency, physical well-being, and emotional healing. There are many opportunities for volunteering with Connections for Life, some of which include volunteering in their thrift store, as an office assistant, or in one of their food pantry locations. Individuals interested in volunteer opportunities with Connections for Life may contact them via phone at (225) 379-3640 or by email at kstagg@connectionsforlife.net. Connections for Life is the community partner of Sharon Andrews, an instructor in the English department.

(FYB) is a non-profit organization that seeks to provide a safe space for the children of South Baton Rouge to learn about fixing and maintaining bikes, the value of working on a project start to finish, and the importance of just being kids. Individuals can partner with FYB through tutoring kids in the homework program, working in the garden, participating in their weekly Friday bike rides, working in the shop with the earn a bike program, or day-to-day cleaning and preparation of the shop. FYB can be reached by email at frontyardbikes@gmail.com or by stopping by one of the shop locations: 700 Terrace St (Main after school program location) Monday- Thursday, 12-6pm and Friday, 12-4pm or at the Mid-City location, 2560 Government St Tuesday- Friday, 12-6pm and Saturday, 11am-4pm. Front Yard Bikes is the community partner for courses taught by Dr. Sarah Becker, professor of Women’s and Gender Studies and Sociology, and Dr. Marybeth Lima, Biological Engineering Professor.

is a non-profit organization committed to providing an inclusive gathering place where families and children of all backgrounds and experiences can interact and learn through play. They serve children through the age of eight, and their families, by providing high-quality learning experiences for children living in under-resourced environments, aiding in closing the early childhood education gap. If you are interested in volunteering with the Knock Knock Museum, they can be reached by email at info@knockknockmuseum.org, by phone at (225) 388-3090, or by stopping by during their hours of operations: 1900 Dalrymple Dr. The Knock Knock Museum is the community partner for Early Childhood Education courses taught by Dr. Jennifer Baumgartner, professor in the School of Education.

(VIPS) recruits, trains, screens, and places individuals, groups, and business representatives into public schools to assist underperforming students in the East Baton Rouge Parish school system. VIPS promotes community involvement in public schools by informing groups of the needs of schools and the opportunities to make a difference. Those interested in partnering with VIPS can contact Kaia Simmons by email at ksimmons1@ebrschools.org or by phone at (225) 226-4700. VIPS is the community partner for course taught by Biological Engineering professor, Marybeth Lima, and Mathematics Instructors, Julia Ledet and Michael Muffuletto.


[Picture displays service-learning students visiting the Knoc Knock Children's Museum during construction.]