

Welcome to the Payroll Office

The Payroll division processes salary and wage payments for all employees – academic, administrative and professional, classified, students and graduate assistants – and accounts for the salary and wage expenditures by budgetary unit. Payroll administers payroll deductions required by law – federal and state income tax withholding, medicare and social security taxes and retirement contributions, federal and state tax levies, garnishments and child support – as well as employee-authorized deductions such as health and life insurance premium deductions and supplemental retirement account contributions. Payroll ensures compliance with USCIS regulations, verifying all I-9 documents for graduate assistants and student employees.

Payroll monitors and ensures compliance with income tax treaties between the United States and foreign countries for all nonresident alien employees.

Payroll's Insurance section maintains tax sheltered premium amounts for the LSU Flexible Benefits Plan as well as the records for employee and retiree group insurance coverage and premium deductions.

The Disbursements section of Payroll processes all federal and state tax deposits and payroll tax returns, submits retirement contributions and the employer match with monthly reports of earnings to all retirement systems, and processes payment for all other payroll deductions.