
Complex Procurement Projects

In an effort to achieve operational efficiencies within the LSU System, Procurement Services has implemented a project management system to assist in determining the optimum procurement approach for complex procurements. This system will be used to prioritize projects based on key aspects of the procurement. Before requesting a complex procurement project, please exhaust all options through our current strategic partnerships (master contract suppliers).

Procurement Services has entered into strategic partnerships with our master contract suppliers to leverage the University’s buying power and to streamline the procurement process for products and services offered through their portfolio of manufacturers.

Examples of Complex Procurements are based on the following types of procurements:

  • Request for Proposals (RFP)
  • Solicitation for Offers (SFO)
  • Request for Quotes and Qualifications (RFQQ)
  • Equipment Lease Purchase
  • IT Projects*
  • Campus/Enterprise-wide Solutions
  • Equipment Purchases exceeding $100,000
  • Janitorial & Manpower Service Contracts exceeding $50,000 

Note: This list is not inclusive to all types of Complex Procurements.

*IT Projects are Information Technology procurements that require IT involvement and/or IT Governance approval and therefore must go through the ITS Portfolio Management Office (PMO). Procurement Services and Information Technology Services will coordinate efforts for this type of procurement.

Effective March 2nd, 2018, departments must complete the Complex Procurement Request at the link provided below and email the completed request, along with all supporting documentation, to Purchasing Webmaster (purchase@lsu.edu) in Procurement Services. Departments will be advised of when a Workday requisition is needed in the process. Upon submission of the request and required attachments, a determination will be made by Procurement Services as to the method of procurement and estimated schedule of the request.


Rev 12/6/2022




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