
Procurement Code Policies & Procedures 

University policy, state law or Federal statute as well as purchasing best practices described in these policies & procedures shall govern the purchasing process.

These policies & procedures apply to the following campuses:

  • LSU and A&M College,
  • LSU Agricultural Center,
  • LSU at Alexandria, 
  • LSU Eunice,
  • LSU Shreveport and
  • Pennington Biomedical Research Center. 

Policies provides a summation of the approved course or method of action to be taken for a particular subject matter (Why and When).

Procedures provides an overview of the steps and identifies the parties involved in an approved process (What and Who).

Tasks provides a list of steps to be taken by an individual participating in an approved process (How).

Forms collect detailed information required to properly identify the need/purchase.

Policies & Procedures as well as subsequent Tasks and Forms are specifically numbered to tie to the applicable section in the Procurement Code.

The documents are prefixed with the below abbreviation:

Documents Abbreviation
Policies POL
Procedures PRO
Task TSK
Form FRM  

An example of the numbering mechanism is:

  • POL-U501 ties to section 501 of the Procurement Code which is titled Types of Competitive Methods
  • PRO-U501A.01 ties to section 501.A.01 which is specific to Invitation To Bid

Policies (POL)

Procedures (PRO)

 Tasks (TSK)


Forms (FRM)

Rev 4/13/22

Table of Contents

LAC 34:XIII Chapters 3-25

§ 307. Delegation and Revocation of Purchasing Authority to Departments

Chapter 5 Competitive Solicitations

§ 501. Types of Competitive Methods

A. Determination

  1. Invitation to Bid (ITB)

  2. Request for Proposals (RFP)

  3. Request for Quotation (RFQ)

  4. Request for Quote and Qualification (RFQQ)

  5. Competitive Reverse Auction (CRA) - Not currently utilized 

  6. Solicitation for Offers (SFO)

  7. Cooperative Buying Organizations (CBO)

B. Other Procurement Methods

  1. Sole Source

  2. Request for Responses (RFR)

§ 505. Competitive Thresholds

  1. Procurements

  2. Information Technology

  3. Professional Services

  4. Specialty Services

§525. Exceptions to the Competitive Solicitation Process

  1. Exceptions

    1. Used Equipment &

      Antique Procurements

    2. Membership Fees

    3. Small Purchases

  2. Emergency Procurements

  3. Cooperative Purchasing Agreements