

All purchases of household or laboratory appliances (such as refrigerators, freezers, ice makers, microwaves, and dishwashers), regardless of cost, require prior written approval from LSU Facility Services.  Requests for approval are to be made via the Facility Services Purchase Approval Form.

Once approval from Facility Services has been obtained, departments can proceed as follows:

  • If the total cost (inclusive of shipping) is less than or equal to $999.99, items can be purchased via LaCarte. Approval from Facility Services must accompany the LaCarte entry submitted for payment.

  • If the total cost is greater than $1,000, a requisition is required, and should be released to Procurement Services with Facility Services approval attached.

  • The purchase of energy star qualified appliances is required, for additional information see the Facility Services Purchase Approval Form.

If possible, appliances should be purchased from existing master contracts.

Rev 1/26/2024




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