
Workday Spend Attachment Categories

The following spend attachment categories will be required when adding attachments to Workday Requisitions and Workday Purchase Orders. 

Attachment Categories with Definition of Use
Question Answer
Authorized Dealer Documentation Documentation to support purchase from authorized dealer (ex. FRM-U525.A.1-2, Supplier Letter, etc.).
Bid/Quote Tabulation

FRM-U501.A.03.B - To tab and evaluate quotes received from suppliers in response to an informal solicitation (RFR or RFQ) conducted by the department.

FRM-U38.B - To tab and evaluate quotes received from suppliers in response to a solicitation for public works contracts conducted by Facility Services.

Construction Documentation Documentation to support purchase of construction projects (ex. T-38 Checklist, Project Manual/Drawings, Notice to Proceed, Letter of Recordation by Clerk of Court, Construction Bonds, etc.).
Contractor Information (PUR-CR) FRM-U505.C&D.01 - To gather information about the supplier such as their relationship to LSU and its employees as well as outline specific payment terms. Required for all PSC requisitions.
Contracts/Agreements University or Supplier Contract/Agreement (including Contract Amendments, Reassignment of Contracts, Memorandum of Understandings, University Sales of Service Agreement, etc.).
Email/Fax Confirmations Documentation verifying date and time bids/quotes were sent and received.
Exemption Documentation Documentation to support use of an exemption (Non-Sole Source).
Insurance/Indemnification Documents Supplier Insurance or Indemnification documents.
Internal/Department Documentation Department level correspondence, approvals, or forms.
Procurement Approval Authorization Email or Route Slip to document authorization to proceed with purchase.
Procurement Noncompliance FRM-U307.C.01 - To request approval of a purchase made without following the Procurement Code, policies or procedures.
Proposed Suppliers Proposed suppliers to be solicited via the competitive solicitation process.
Proprietary Specifications Documentation Documentation to support use of proprietary specifications.
Scope of Service (PUR-SS) FRM-U505.C&D.02 - To gather details on the services being provided by the supplier as well as specific deliverables, goals and objectives.
Sole Source Documentation Documentation to support sole source request (ex. FRM-U501.B.01, Supplier/Manufacturer Letter, Patent, etc.).
Solicitation Document The original competitive bid process documentation (solicitation and any addendums).
Specifications/Statement of Work (SOW) Proposed bid specifications/statement of work (SOW) to be used in competitive bid process.
Supplier Bid/Quote/Proposal Official Bid/Quote/Proposal obtained from a Supplier for a purchase.
Supplier Correspondence Email, Fax, or any written communications with a Supplier.
Supplier Registration/Tax Documentation W-9, change of address, name change, business ownership certification, or other legal company documentation (i.e. SAM.gov documentation).
Term Contract Renewal Documentation Documentation to support renewal of term contract (ex. PUR105, supplier renewal letter, etc.).
University Required Approvals/Forms Prior approval documentation obtained from university administrative offices (ex. PUR522, Board of Supervisors/Board of Regents Funding Approval, Facility Services - Equipment Approval, Information Technology & Accessibility - Software Acquisition (IT100), etc.).
Used Equipment Documentation Documentation to support purchase of used equipment (ex. FRM-U525.A.25, Supplier/Manufacturer Letter, etc.).
Vehicle Documentation Documentation to support purchase of vehicles (ex. Department Vehicle Justification, LPAA Approval, OSP Purchase Order, etc.).


The following spend attachment category validations/sub-validations will be required to move the Requisition forward in the approval process. While additional attachment categories may be used in attaching documents to a Workday Requisition, only the following categories per Requisition Type are set up with hard stop validations. 

Workday Spend Attachment Category Validations based on Requisition Type
Requisition Type Attachment Category Sub-Validation

Construction / Renovation Projects (CRP)

Construction Documentation All requisitions
University Required Approvals/Forms If total amount of Requisition is over $75,000


Contract Professional / Specialty / Consulting Services (PSC)

Contractor Information (PUR-CR) If RFQ Checkbox IS NOT SELECTED
Scope of Service (PUR-SS) If RFQ Checkbox IS NOT SELECTED and the 
total amount of Requisition is over $2,000
Proposed Suppliers If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED
Specifications/Statement of Work (SOW) If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED
Cooperative Endeavor Agreements (CEA) Contracts/Agreements All requisitions
Create Contract / Agreement (CCA) Contracts/Agreements All requisitions


Emergency Purchase (EP)

Supplier Bid/Quote/Proposal  If RFQ Checkbox IS NOT SELECTED
Procurement Approval Authorization All requisitions
Proposed Suppliers If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED
Interagency Agreements / Contracts (IAC) Contracts/Agreements All requisitions

Lease Equipment Purchase (LEP)

Supplier Bid/Quote/Proposal  If RFQ Checkbox IS NOT SELECTED
University Required Approvals/Forms All requisitions
Proposed Suppliers If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED
Specifications/Statement of Work (SOW) If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED
Lease of Space (LSP)
Contracts/Agreements If RFQ Checkbox IS NOT SELECTED
Proposed Suppliers If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED
Specifications/Statement of Work (SOW) If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED

Next FY Purchase / Contract (NFY)

Supplier Bid/Quote/Proposal 
Term Contract Renewal Documentation
Proposed Suppliers If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED
Specifications/Statement of Work (SOW) If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED

Purchase Services / Goods (PSG)

Supplier Bid/Quote/Proposal 
Term Contract Renewal Documentation
Proposed Suppliers If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED
Specifications/Statement of Work (SOW) If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED
Revenue Generating Agreements (RGA) Contracts/Agreements If RFQ Checkbox IS NOT SELECTED
Specifications/Statement of Work (SOW) If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED
Proposed Suppliers If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED
Revenue Sharing Agreements (RSA) Contracts/Agreements If RFQ Checkbox IS NOT SELECTED
Specifications/Statement of Work (SOW) If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED
Proposed Suppliers If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED
Sales and Service (SRS) Contracts/Agreements All requisitions
Sole Source Purchase (SSP) Sole Source Documentation All requisitions
Supplier Bid/Quote/Proposal  All requisitions


State Contract Purchase (SCP)

Supplier Bid/Quote/Proposal  If RFQ Checkbox IS NOT SELECTED
Proposed Suppliers If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED
Specifications/Statement of Work (SOW) If RFQ Checkbox IS SELECTED
Used Equipment Purchase (UEP) Used Equipment Documentation All requisitions
Supplier Bid/Quote/Proposal  All requisitions
The following spend attachment category validations/sub-validations will be required to move the Requisition forward in the approval process. 
Additional Attachment Category Validations based on Spend Categories
Workday Spend Category Required Attachment Category
Digital Periodicals (SC0247) University Required Approvals/Forms
Library Digital Books (SC0246) University Required Approvals/Forms
Licensed Apparel (SC0168) University Required Approvals/Forms
Legal (SC0079) Contracts/Agreements
Online Subscriptions (SC0414) University Required Approvals/Forms
Photographers (SC0322) Scope of Service (PUR-SS)
PP&E - Fleet or Vehicles - $1,000 to $4,999.99 per item (SC0238) Vehicle Documentation
PP&E - Fleet or Vehicles - $5,000 or greater per item (SC0129) Vehicle Documentation
Prizes and Awards - Non-Cash (SC0303) University Required Approvals/Forms
Promotional Supplies (SC0306) University Required Approvals/Forms
Software Subscriptions & Licenses (SC0020) University Required Approvals/Forms
Subrecipient Payments - Grants and Contracts (SC0084) Contracts/Agreements


All questions concerning this contract should be directed to Procurement Services at 225-578-2176 or purchase@lsu.edu.

Rev 1/4/2024