
Conferences and Seminars

Fees and other costs for attending conferences and seminars may be processed in accordance with Purchasing Procedures if the conference or seminar is held in Baton Rouge.

Note: If the conference or seminar requires any out-of-town travel, all expenses incurred must be paid by the traveler and processed for reimbursement on a travel voucher in accordance with state travel regulations through the Accounts Payable & Travel Office.

Lod Cook - Conference Space Rental & Lodging

A completed AS540 (Request for Approval - Cook Conference Center) is to be attached to the Lod Cook Alumni Center Agreement and forwarded to Accounts Payable & Travel for approval. Once the AS540 is approved, Accounts Payable will forward the packet to LSU Procurement for contract approval.

Any catering services provided in this facility must be obtained from approved Lod Cook caterers and processed via AS499 (Request for Approval of Special Meal).

Rev. 5/30/2024




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