
Purchases Exceeding $50,000 

If the cost is estimated to be in excess of $50,000, Procurement Services must request formal written sealed bids from at least five (5) firms that normally handle the merchandise or service. The time that is normally allowed for suppliers to respond to invitations to bid is twenty-one (21) calendar days and never less than ten (10) calendar days.

Purchases of supplies, materials, equipment, services, and major repairs that amount to $50,000 or more must be posted to LAPAC and may be advertised at least one time in the official journal of the state.

Public works contracts (construction, remodeling, and additions) in excess of $250,000 are governed by Louisiana R.S. 38 and must be advertised once a week for three different weeks in the official journal of the state and in the official journal of the locality (parish) of the budget unit to be served. The first advertisement must appear at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the bid due date.

Rev 6/18/21




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