
Internet Quotes and Online Order Placement

Online ordering via the Internet by authorized staff is allowed if the purchase is less than $5,000 and if payment is on the LaCarte procurement card. All State and University Purchasing and Accounts Payable procedures must be satisfied.

Online placement of orders via the Internet for all other purchases must be processed through Procurement Services. Prior to such processing, Procurement Services will ensure that all proper procurement laws, procedures, and policies have been satisfied — i.e.:

  • Evidence of competitive bids or adequate documentation supporting why competitive bids are not required
  • Evidence of firm quotes*
  • Evidence of Net 30 payment terms and FOB: LSU
  • Evidence that online supplier will accept a purchase order as confirmation of the purchase award
  • Evidence that our procurement terms will govern this order including the laws of the State of Louisiana, etc.

As a general rule, orders greater than $5,000 should not be placed online.

Departments are reminded, when a supplier requires the execution of a terms and conditions contract, regardless of the dollar amount of the purchase, an order shall not be placed until the contract has been reviewed and approved by Procurement Services.

NOTE: Allow 2-4 weeks for final execution of new agreements. Some higher value, complex contracts requiring review by outside state agencies may take 60-90 days.

*Prices from services such as PRICE WATCH® and other Internet dealer price advertisements are not considered firm quotes. Firm quotes include (at a minimum) firm pricing, a description of the items(s) offered, FOB terms, and should clearly identify the supplier, supplier contact person, and evidence of the supplier's intent to be bound to a contract with the University.

Rev 5/11/21




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