

Only one (1) institutional membership in the name of the university or in the name of a university department will be permitted. The purchase of individual memberships in professional societies and organizations with university funds is permitted if the member clearly demonstrates that the membership in such an organization assists the department, faculty or staff in efficiently executing the functions and responsibilities of their job and is related to the departmental mission.

Note: Memberships may not be an allowable charge to a grant or contract. Please check with Sponsored Program Accounting to see if your grant or contract allows individual memberships to be charged to them.

Paying by P-Card

Memberships with the approval of the appropriate Dean, Director, or Department Head may be paid with the LaCarte Purchasing Card and in accordance with the dollar limits of the card. (always use object code 3550)

Paying by Invoice

Membership invoices will require the approval of the appropriate Dean, Director, or Department Head and can be sent directly to Accounts Payable for processing.




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