
Use of LSU Trademarks and Indicia

Use of the University name and other words and images associated with the University (indicia) is governed by PS-93, "Use of University Name and Indicia."

Purchase of any item displaying the University name or other indicia is governed by the following policies and procedures that are administered by LSU Trademark Licensing of the Office of Finance and Administration.

  • Vendors of items that are purchased by the University for resale must be licensed by the University and the specific manner in which indicia are used on or with the item must receive prior written approval of LSU Trademark Licensing. Licensed vendors are required to pay a royalty for the use of University indicia. In the case of recognized student and employee organizations purchasing such items for their members only and not for fund-raising purposes, the royalty fee is waived.

  • Vendors of items that are purchased by the University for distribution to members of the public or others for promotional purposes must be licensed by the University and the specific manner in which indicia are used on or with the item must receive prior written approval of LSU Trademark Licensing. Licensed vendors may be required to pay a royalty for the use of University indicia. In all cases, such items that carry the name of any non-LSU entity, in addition to LSU indicia, or which carry LSU indicia and are provided to a non-LSU entity for promotional use, shall be licensed under a separate promotional licensing agreement through LSU Trademark Licensing.

  • The manner in which University indicia are to be used on all items requires the prior written approval of LSU Trademark Licensing.

Questions regarding the policies described above should be directed to LSU Trademark Licensing, 225-578-3386.




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