About the Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness


Welcome to the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness at Louisiana State University. As an academic department within a land grant university, we are actively engaged in all three missions of the land grant system: teaching, research and extension.

The agricultural business curriculum offered by the Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness provides training for a wide variety of careers in the agribusiness industry. The program integrates the disciplines of business and agricultural business, economics, quantitative methods, and agricultural sciences. Course offerings include courses in agribusiness management, marketing, credit and finance, agricultural production economics, natural resource economics, agricultural policy and law, price analysis, statistics, quantitative methods, and computer applications.

This curriculum provides students excellent preparation for careers in farm management, agricultural law, commodity trading, sales, marketing, international trade, insurance, agricultural processing, management, communications, public relations, finance, and appraisal.



Dr. Lynn Kennedy
Crescent City Tigers Alumni Professor and Department Head
181 Martin D. Woodin Hall


Our Commitment to Providing Educational Opportunities

The LSU Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness is committed to serving Louisiana’s citizens. The vision for our program includes the creation of an environment that inspires all of our students to achieve their highest levels of intellectual and personal development. The Morrill Land-Grant Acts created a university system “to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life.” As part of this Land-Grant legacy, we strive to provide all students with educational opportunities to better themselves and their communities.


cattle stand in field 

Learn more about the opportunities and degree programs offered by the LSU College of Agriculture.

LSU College of Agriculture



UndeRgraduate Program

Master's program

phd program





Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness
101 Martin D. Woodin Hall
Baton Rouge, Louisiana  70803
Phone: 225-578-3282
Fax:  225-578-2716

Department Head   
Dr. P. Lynn Kennedy
Office: 181 Martin D. Woodin Hall
Phone: 578-3282
E-mail: lkennedy@agcenter.lsu.edu

Director of Undergraduate Studies and Research
Dr. Trina Biswas
Office: 224 Martin D. Woodin Hall
Phone: 225-578-2759
E-mail: tbiswa1@lsu.edu

Director of Graduate Studies
Dr. Mark J. Schafer
Office: 215 Martin D. Woodin Hall
Phone: 225-578-5357
E-mail: mschafer@agcenter.lsu.edu