REcommended Curriculum Pathway
Animal Production Concentration
CRITICAL: āCā or better in ENGL 1001; MATH 1021.
- ANSC 1011 Introduction to Animal Science (3)
- BIOL 1201 Biology for Science Majors I (3) [Minimum ACT Composite of 23 or āCā or better in CHEM 1201]
- BIOL 1208 Biology Lab for Science Majors I (1) [Registration in BIOL 1201]
- ENGL 1001 English Composition (3)
- MATH 1021 College Algebra (3)
- General Education course - Arts (3)
Total Semester Hours: 16
CRITICAL: ANSC 1011; MATH 1022/ MATH 1550.
- ANSC 2060 Companion Animal Management (3) [ANSC 1011]
- BIOL 1202 Biology for Science Majors II (3) [BIOL 1201]
- BIOL 1209 Biology Lab for Science Majors II (1) [Credit in BIOL 1208 or registration in BIOL 1202]
- CHEM 1201 General Chemistry I (3) [Credit or registration in MATH 1022, MATH 1023, MATH 1431, MATH 1550, MATH 1551]
- MATH 1022 Plane Trigonometry (3) [MATH 1021 or placement by department] or MATH 1550 Analytic Geometry and Calculus (5) [An appropriate ALEKS placement score]
- Elective (3)
Total Semester Hours: 16-18
- CHEM 1202 General Chemistry (3) [CHEM 1201 or CHEM 1421]
- CHEM 1212 General Chemistry Lab (2) [Credit or registration in CHEM 1002, CHEM 1202 or CHEM 1422]
- EXST 2201 Introduction to Statistical Analysis (4) [MATH 1021 or equivalent 3hrs lecture; 2 hrs lab]
- ANSC 2050 Animal Management Practices (2) [ANSC 1011]
- ANSC 2051 Large Farm Animal Lab (1) [ANSC 1011, credit or registration in ANSC 2050]
- General Education Course ā Humanities (3)
Total Semester Hours: 14
- AGEC 2003 Introduction to Agricultural Economics (3) or ECON 2030 Economic Principles (3)
- ANSC 2053 Foods of Animal Origin (3) [ANSC 1011]
- ANSC 2052 Small Farm Animals Lab (1) [ANSC 1011, credit or registration in ANSC 2050]
- CHEM 2060 Survey of Organic Chemistry (3) [CHEM 1202 or CHEM 1422] or CHEM 2261 Organic Chemistry (3) [CHEM 1202 or CHEM 1422]
- ENGL 2000 English Composition (3) [ENGL 1001]
- ANSC 2072 Introductory Agricultural Genetics (3) [BIOL 1002 or equivalent] or BIOL 2153 Principles of Genetics (4) [BIOL 1202, BIOL 1209 and enrollment or credit in CHEM 1202]
Total Semester Hours: 16-17
- ANSC 3053 Meats (3) [BIOL 1002 or BIOL 1202 and ANSC 1011 or NFS 2000] or ANSC 2075 Milk and Dairy Foods (3)
- General Education Course ā Humanities (3)
- General Education Course ā Social Sciences (3)
- ANSC 2040 Judging/Evaluation of Dairy Cattle (2) [ANSC 1011] or ANSC 2042 Judging/Evaluating Poultry/Poultry Products (2) [ANSC 1011] or ANSC 2033 Live Animal and Carcass Evaluation (2) [ANSC 1011] or ANSC 2020 Equine Conformation & Performance Evaluation (2) [ANSC 1011]
- Elective (3)
Total Semester Hours: 15
- ANSC 3133 Growth and Development of Livestock (3) [BIOL 1202]
- CMST 1061 Fundamentals of Communication (3) or CMST 2060 Public Speaking (3)
- ANSC 4009 Animal Nutrition (3) [ANSC 1011, CHEM 2060 or equivalent]
- BIOL 2051 General Microbiology (4) [BIOL 1202, BIOL 1209, and CHEM 1202]
Total Semester Hours: 13
- ANSC 3010 Applied Animal Feed Formulation (3) [ANSC 1011 and MATH 1021 or equivalent]
- ANSC 4018 Principles of Animal Genetics (3) [ANSC 2072 or BIOL 2153 and EXST 2201 or equivalent]
- ANSC 4045 Reproductive Physiology of Farm Animals (3) [BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1201; BIOL 1002 or BIOL 1202; and CHEM 2060]
- ANSC 4043 Domestic Animal Endocrinology (3) [BIOL 1001, BIOL 1002, and BIOL 1005 or BIOL 1201 and BIOL 1202 and CHEM 2060]
- Elective (1-4)
Total Semester Hours: 13-16
- ANSC 4092 Animal Science Proseminar (1)
- ANSC Production Courses (6)1
- Electives (7)
Total Semester Hours: 14
120 Total Semester Hours
ANSC 2051 is offered in Fall semesters only. ANSC 2052 is offered in Spring semesters only.
1- Select from: ANSC 4031, 4052, 4054, 4081, 4084, 4086, 4088
Animal Products Processing Concentration
CRITICAL: āCā or better in ENGL 1001; MATH 1021.
- ANSC 1011 Introduction to Animal Science (3)
- BIOL 1201 Biology for Science Majors I (3) [Minimum ACT composite of 23 or āCā of better in CHEM 1201]
- BIOL 1208 Biology Lab for Science Majors I (1) [Credit or registration in BIOL 1201]
- ENGL 1001 English Composition (3)
- MATH 1021 College Algebra (3)
- General Education course - Arts (3)
Total Semester Hours: 16
CRITICAL: ANSC 1011; MATH 1022/ MATH 1550.
- BIOL 1202 Biology for Science Majors II (3) [BIOL 1201]
- BIOL 1209 Biology Lab for Science Majors II (1) [Credit in BIOL 1208, credit or registration in BIOL 1202]
- CHEM 1201 General Chemistry I (3) [Credit or registration in MATH 1022. MATH 1023. MATH 1431. MATH 1550 or MATH 1551]
- CMST 1061 Fundamentals of Communication (3) or CMST 2060 Public Speaking (3)
- MATH 1022 Plane Trigonometry (3) [MATH 1021 or placement by department] or MATH 1550 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (5) [An Appropriate ALEKS placement score]
- Elective (0-2)
Total Semester Hours: 15
- CHEM 1202 General Chemistry (3) [CHEM 1201 or CHEM 1421]
- CHEM 1212 General Chemistry Lab (2) [credit or registration in CHEM 1002, CHEM 1202 or CHEM 1422]
- EXST 2201 Introduction to Statistical Analysis (4) [MATH 1021 or equivalent]
- ANSC 2050 Animal Management Practices (2) [ANSC 1011]
- ANSC 2052 Small Farm Animal Lab (1)1 [ANSC 1011; credit or registration in ANSC 2050] or ANSC 2051 Large Farm Animal Lab (1)1 [ANSC 1011; credit or registration in ANSC 2050]
- General Education Course ā Humanities (3)
Total Semester Hours: 15
- AGEC 2003 Introduction to Agricultural Economics (3) or ECON 2030 Economic Principles (3)
- ANSC 2053 Foods of Animal Origin (3) [ANSC 1011]
- NFS 2000 Fundamentals of Food Science (3) [BIOL 1201 and CHEM 1201, majors only or permission of instructor]
- CHEM 2060 Survey of Organic Chemistry (3) [CHEM 1202 or CHEM 1422] or CHEM 2261 Organic Chemistry (3) [CHEM 1202 or CHEM 1422]
- ANSC 2072 Introductory Agricultural Genetics (3) [BIOL 1002] or BIOL 2153 Principles of Genetics (4) [BIOL 1202, BIOL 1209 and enrollment or credit in CHEM 1202]
- Elective (0-1)
Total Semester Hours: 16
- ENGL 2000 English Composition (3) [ENGL 1001]
- ANSC 3053 Meats (3) [BIOL 1002 or BIOL 1202 and ANSC 1011 or NFS 2000] or ANSC 2075 Milk and Dairy Foods (3)
- ANSC 2085 Milk Quality Control Lab (2) [Permission of Department]
- NFS 3000 Food Safety (3) [BIOL 1201 and CHEM 1201, majors only or permission of instructor]
- ANSC 2093 Dairy Products Judging (2) or ANSC 2042 Judging/Evaluating Poultry/Poultry Products (2) [ANSC 1011] or ANSC 2033 Live Animal and Carcass Evaluation (2) [ANSC 1011]
- Electives (3)
Total Semester Hours: 16
- ANSC 3133 Growth and Development of Livestock (3) [BIOL 1202]
- ANSC 4009 Animal Nutrition (3) [ANSC 1011; CHEM 2060 or equivalent]
- BIOL 2051 General Microbiology (4) [BIOL 1202, BIOL 1209, and CHEM 1202]
- Elective (4)
Total Semester Hours: 14
- ANSC 3010 Applied Animal Feed Formulation (3) [ANSC 1011 and MATH 1021]
- ANSC 4020 Dairy Foods Technology; Frozen and Cultured Dairy Products (3) [ANSC 2075, BIOL 1202 or CHEM 1202]
- General Education Course - Humanities (3)
- General Education Course ā Social Sciences (3)
- Electives (3-4)
Total Semester Hours: 15-16
- ANSC 4040 Quality Assurance in the Food Industry (4) [BIOL 2051]
- ANSC 4080 Dairy Microbiology (3) [BIOL 2051] or NFS 4162 Food Microbiology (4) [BIOL 2051 and consent of department]
- ANSC 4092 Animal Science Proseminar (1)
- Animal Science Production Courses (6)2
Total Semester Hours: 14-15
120 Total Semester Hours
1 ā ANSC 2051 is offered in Fall semesters only. ANSC 2052 is offered in Spring semesters only.
2 ā Select from ANSC 4031, 4052, 4054, 4081, 4084, 4086, 4088.
Pre-Veterinary Medicine Concentration (3 + 1)
Critical: āCā or better in ENGL 1001; MATH 1021.
- ANSC 1011 Introduction to Animal Science (3)
- BIOL 1201 Biology for Science Majors I (3) (Minimum ACT
composite of 23 or āCā or better in CHEM 1201) - BIOL 1208 Biology Lab for Science Majors I (1) (Credit or registration in BIOL 1201)
- ENGL 1001 English Composition (3)
- MATH 1021 College Algebra (3)
- General Education course - Arts (3)
Total Semester Hours: 16
Critical: ANSC 1011; MATH 1022/ MATH 1550.
- ANSC 2060 Companion Animal Management (3) [ANSC 1011]
- CHEM 1201 General Chemistry I (3) [credit or registration in MATH 1022, MATH 1023,
MATH 1431, MATH 1550, or MATH
1551] - BIOL 1202 Biology for Science Majors II (3) [BIOL 1201]
- BIOL 1209 Biology Lab for Science Majors II (1) [Credit in BIOL 1208; credit or registration in BIOL 1202]
- MATH 1022 Plane Trigonometry (3) [MATH 1021 or placement by department] or MATH 1550 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (5) [An appropriate ALEKS placement score]
- General Education Course ā Humanities Elective (3)
Total Semester Hours: 16-18
Critical: BIOL 1201; CHEM 1201; 3.0 GPA
- CHEM 1202 General Chemistry (3) [CHEM 1201 or CHEM 1421]
- CHEM 1212 General Chemistry Lab (2) [Credit or registration in CHEM 1002, CHEM 1202 or CHEM 1422]
- EXST 2201 Introduction to Statistical Analysis (4) [MATH 1021 or equivalent]
- ANSC 2050 Animal Management Practices (2) [ANSC 1011]
- ANSC 2051 Large Farm Animal Practicum Laboratory (1) (if not taking
- ANSC 2052) [ANSC 1011; credit or registration in ANSC 2050]
General Education Course ā Humanities (3)
Total Semester Hours: 15
Critical: CHEM 1202; 3.0 GPA.
- AGEC 2003 Introduction to Agricultural Economics (3) or ECON 2030 Economic Principles (3)
- ANSC 2053 Foods of Animal Origin (3) [ANSC 1011]
- CHEM 2060 Survey of Organic Chemistry (3) [CHEM 1202 or CHEM 1422] or CHEM 2261 Organic Chemistry (3) [CHEM 1202 or CHEM 1422]
- ANSC 2072 Introductory Agricultural Genetics (3) [BIOL 1002 or equivalent] or BIOL 2153 Principles of Genetics (4) [BIOL 1202, BIOL 1209 and enrollment or credit in CHEM 1202]
- ENGL 2000 English Composition (3) [ENGL 1001]
Total Semester Hours: 15-16
Critical: BIOL 1202
- BIOL 2051 General Microbiology (4) [BIOL 1202, BIOL 1209 and CHEM 1202]
- PHYS 2001 General Physics I (3) [MATH 1022 or MATH 1023 or MATH 1550 or MATH 1551]
- General Education Course ā Social Sciences (3)
- ANSC Elective (3)2
Total Semester Hours: 13
- BIOL 2083 Elements of Biochemistry (3) [CHEM 2060 or CHEM 2261]
- PHYS 2002 General Physics II (3) [PHYS 2001 and MATH 1022 or MATH 1023 or MATH 1550 or MATH 1551]
- CMST 1061 Fundamentals of Communication (3) or CMST 2060
- Public Speaking (3)
- ANSC Elective (3)
- Elective (0-3)
Total Semester Hours: 12-15
134 Total Semester Hours
*After sixth semester, transfer to four-year curriculum if not admitted to the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine. Students who are admitted to the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine will complete their last 44 hours at the vet school and receive their bachelor of science degree at the completion of the first year.
*This 3 + 1 pre-veterinary medicine agreement is contingent upon admissions into lsu
school of veterinary
medicine only.
1 ā ANSC 2051 is offered in Fall semesters only. ANSC 2052 is offered in Spring semesters only.
2 ā Select from ANSC 3000 and above; only 3 hours from ANSC 4031 4052, 4054, 4081, 4084, 4086, 4088 may be used for animal science elective credit.
Science and Technology Concentration
Critical: āCā or better in ENGL 1001; MATH 1021.
- ANSC 1011 Introduction to Animal Science (3)
- BIOL 1201 Biology for Science Majors I (3) [Minimum ACT
composite of 23 or āCā or better in CHEM 1201] - BIOL 1208 Biology Lab for Science Majors I (1) [Credit or registration in BIOL 1201]
- ENGL 1001 English Composition (3)
- MATH 1021 College Algebra (3)
- General Education course - Arts (3)
Total Semester Hours: 16
CRITICAL: ANSC 1011; MATH 1022/ MATH 1550.
- ANSC 2060 Companion Animal Management (3) [ANSC 1011]
- BIOL 1202 Biology for Science Majors II (3) [BIOL 1201]
- BIOL 1209 Biology Lab for Science Majors II (1) [Credit in BIOL 1208; credit or registration in BIOL 1202]
- CHEM 1201 General Chemistry I (3) [Credit or registration in MATH 1022, MATH 1023, MATH 1431, MATH 1550 or MATH 1551]
- MATH 1022 Plane Trigonometry (3) [MATH 1021 or placement by department] or MATH 1550 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (5) [An appropriate ALEKS placement score]
- Elective (2-4)
Total Semester Hours: 17
- CHEM 1202 General Chemistry (3) [CHEM 1201 or CHEM 1421]
- CHEM 1212 General Chemistry Lab (2) [Credit or registration in CHEM 1002, CHEM 1202 or CHEM 1422]
- EXST 2201 Introduction to Statistical Analysis (4) [MATH 1021 or equivalent]
- ANSC 2050 Animal Management Practices (2) [ANSC 1011]
- ANSC 2051 Large Farm Animal Lab (1)1 [ANSC 1011; credit or registration in ANSC 2050] or ANSC 2052 Small Farm Animal Lab (1)1 [ANSC 1011; credit or registration in ANSC 2050]
- General Education Course ā Humanities (3)
Total Semester Hours: 15
- AGEC 2003 Introduction to Agricultural Economics (3) or ECON 2030 Economic Principles (3)
- ANSC 2053 Foods of Animal Origin (3) [ANSC 1011]
- CHEM 2060 Survey of Organic Chemistry (3) [CHEM 1202 or CHEM 1422] or CHEM 2261 Organic Chemistry (3) [CHEM 1202 or CHEM 1422]
- ANSC 2072 Introductory Agricultural Genetics (3) [BIOL 1002 or equivalent] or BIOL 2153 Principles of Genetics (4) [BIOL 1202, BIOL 1209 and enrollment or credit in CHEM 1202]
- ENGL 2000 English Composition (3) [ENGL 1001]
Total Semester Hours: 15-16
Critical: BIOL 1202
- BIOL 2051 General Microbiology (4) [BIOL 1202, BIOL 1209 and CHEM 1202]
- ANSC 2040 Judging/Evaluation of Dairy Cattle (2) or ANSC 2042 Judging/Evaluating Poultry/Poultry Products (2) [ANSC 1011] or ANSC 2033 Live Animal and Carcass Evaluation (2) [ANSC 1011] or ANSC 2020 Equine Conformation & Performance Evaluation (2) [ANSC 1011]
- General Education Course ā Social Sciences (3)
- Science Elective (3)3
- Elective (3)
Total Semester Hours: 15
- BIOL 2083 Elements of Biochemistry (3) [CHEM 2060 or CHEM 2261]
- CMST 1061 Fundamentals of Communication (3) or CMST 2060 Public Speaking (3)
- ANSC 3133 Growth and Development of Livestock (3) [BIOL 1202]
- ANSC 4009 Animal Nutrition (3) [ANSC 1011; CHEM 2060 or equivalent]
- Science Elective (3)3
Total Semester Hours: 15
- ANSC 4045 Reproductive Physiology of Farm Animals (3) [BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1201; BIOL 1002 or BIOL 1202; and CHEM 2060]
- ANSC 4043 Domestic Animal Endocrinology (3) [BIOL 1001, BIOL 1002, and BIOL 1005, or BIOL 1201 and BIOL1202 and CHEM 2060]
- ANSC 3010 Applied Animal Feed Formulation (3) [ANSC 1011 and MATH 1021 or equivalent]
- General Education Course ā Humanities (3)
- Elective (1-2)
Total Semester Hours: 13-14
- ANSC 4092 Animal Science Proseminar (1)
- ANSC Production Courses (6)2
- Science Elective (3)3
- Elective (3)
Total Semester Hours: 13
120 Total Semester Hours
*Individual vet schools determine veterinary school requirements. Students should check the current admissions requirements for the school(s) they are interested in applying.
1 ā ANSC 2051 is offered in Fall semesters only. ANSC 2052 is offered in Spring semesters only.
2 ā Select from ANSC 4031 4052, 4054, 4081, 4084, 4086, 4088.
3 ā Select from BIOL 2XXX, CHEM 2XXX, PHYS 2XXX, or ANSC 3060, 3070, 4001, 4005, 4018, 4050.