Bachelor's degree
Animal Sciences, BS
Students follow a selected area of concentration depending on their area of interest and future career goals. Within each area of concentration, students select approved and free electives. Students interested in choosing an approved minor can take the suggested courses for the minor as part of their electives.
Graduates of the animal sciences curriculum find career opportunities in a variety of production enterprises and animal-related agribusinesses, such as commercial livestock, dairy, and poultry enterprises; feed, pharmaceutical, and supply companies; commodity processing and food product industries; and various state and federal agencies including the cooperative extension service. Students selecting the science-directed electives are prepared to enter graduate school or professional school.
- 1011 Introduction to Animal Science (3)
- 2042 Techniques of Judging and Evaluating Poultry and Poultry Products (2)
- 2050 Animal Management Practices (2)
- 2060 Companion Animal Management (3)
- 2053 Foods of Animal Origin (3)
- 3060 Companion Animal Health Maintenance and Disease (3)
- 3070 Small Animal Anatomy and Physiology (3)
- 3900 Animal Science Research (up to 6 hours, no more than 3 per semester)
- 4092 Animal Science Proseminar (1)
- 4900 Special Topics in Animal Science (1-3)
- 2031 Equine Industry and Management (2)
- 2033 Elements of Live Animal and Carcass Evaluation (2)
- 2040 Techniques of Judging and Evaluating Dairy Cattle (2)
- 2051 Large Animal Practicum Lab
- 2075 Milk and Dairy Foods (3)
- 3010 Applied Animal Feed Formulation (3)
- 3053 Meats (3)
- 4005 One Health: People, Animals, and the Environment (3)
- 4018 Principles of Animal Genetics (3)
- 4020 Dairy Foods Technology: Frozen and Cultured Dairy Products (3)
- 4043 Domestic Animal Endocrinology (3)
- 4045 Reproductive Physiology of Farm Animals (3)
- 4050 Animal Biotechnology (3)
- 4051 Poultry Biology (3)
- 4081 Swine Production (3)
- 4087 Best Management Practices for Sustainable Agriculture (3)
Please note that some are offered every other year. Even and odd year offerings are designated
- 2020 Equine Conformation & Performance Evaluation (2)
- 2052 Small Farm Animal Practicum Lab (1)
- 2072 Introductory Agricultural Genetics (3)
- 2085 Milk Quality Control Laboratory (2)
- 2093 Dairy Products Judging (2)
- 3133 Growth and Development of Livestock (3)
- 4001 Parasite Effects on Animal Performance (2)
- 4009 Animal Nutrition (3)
- 4031 Incubation and Hatchery Management (2); Spring odd years
- 4040 Quality Assurance in the Food Industry (4) – Spring even years
- 4046 Physiology of Lactation (2)
- 4047 Reproductive Management and Artificial Insemination (1)
- 4052 Poultry Management (3); spring even years
- 4054 Dairy Farm Management (3) Even numbered years or as needed
- 4060 Contemporary Issues in the Animal Sciences (3)
- 4080 Dairy Microbiology (3) odd numbered years
- 4084 Beef Cattle Production (3)
- 4086 Small Ruminant Production (3) Odd numbered years
- 4088 Horse Production (3)
- 4094 Meat Technology (3) Even years
- 4095 Reproductive Physiology and Management of Zoo, Laboratory, and Companion Animals (4) Even numbered years
View Recommended Curriculum Pathway
The School of Animal Sciences offers concentrations in animal production and animal products processing that provide individuals with a broad educational background tailored to meet their needs and aptitudes. Concentrations in science and technology and pre-veterinary medicine also are provided for students interested in subsequent training at the graduate level or in veterinary medicine.
Animal production
The animal production concentration is a 4-year degree program that includes all aspects of live animal production and management, including livestock, horses, and companion animals.
Animal products processing
The animal products processing concentration focuses on processing technology, quality assurance, and food safety for animal products intended for human consumption.
The pre-veterinary medicine concentration is a 3-year program designed for academically competitive students to enter the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM) after three years of specified undergraduate coursework. Students who wish to pursue a 4-year degree prior to applying to vet school, or students who are not accepted to vet school after the junior year are advised to enter the concentration in science and technology
SCIence and technology
This concentration is designed to prepare students for graduate or professional schools including veterinary medicine. Graduates of this concentration have the science background to pursue research in a variety of areas including animal nutrition, genetics, and reproductive physiology. Students interested in a four-year traditional route to vet school may study in this concentration or choose another concentration within the major.
A minor in animal sciences is available to students not majoring in animal sciences. Student must complete 19 hrs. of animal sciences coursework.