Your Career Begins Here
Graduates of the department have a wide range of career prospects, including agricultural research, data analysis, and working for government agencies that oversee agriculture policies and programs.
Optimizing the structure of deep neural networks (DNNs), including the number of neurons and layers, is a challenging task. This talk introduces Deep Penalized Spline (DPS), a novel framework that redefines neuron selection as a knot placement problem in spline expansions. By incorporating a diJerence penalty, DPS automates the network structure selection process, enhancing computational eJiciency and precision of conventional DNN. Embedded within a latent variable model, the method enables an eJicient algorithm for optimizing the network architectures, bridging statistical methodologies with modern network design. Numerical studies demonstrate the scalability and practical effectiveness of DPS. Theoretical properties and diverse applications of DPS will also be explored.
We propose two curve-free phase I/II clinical trial designs to optimize the dose of molecularly targeted agents (MTAs) and immunotherapies (ITs) by jointly modeling toxicity, efficacy, and immune response outcomes. Instead of employing complex parametric models, our approach leverages the inherent correlations among different clinical outcomes and incorporates the constrained dose-outcome order to enable efficient information sharing across doses. These designs enhance both the efficiency and transparency required for practical implementation in clinical settings. We also provide simulation studies and software demonstrations to illustrate the application of the proposed designs.
Biologists have been interested in reconstructing the history of biological diversification on Earth ever since the time of Darwin. This field of study has since become known as phylogenetics. Phylogenetics was revolutionized starting in the early 1980s with the application of formal statistical approaches to inference using genetic data. Technical advances in the mid-2000s made it possible to sequence full genomes much more cheaply and quickly than ever before, which has radically increased the amount of available data. However, many challenges and open questions remain about how best to handle the scale and complexity of full-genome data in likelihood-based statistical frameworks. In this talk, I will discuss some strategies that my lab is pursuing to more efficiently and effectively reconstruct the evolutionary past from genomic data using Bayesian methods.
The brain's spatial orientation system relies on specific neuron groups for navigation, such as head direction cells for orientation and grid cells for mapping environments. These neurons work together in patterns, firing simultaneously to create directional and positional signals. To better understand and decode these patterns, we developed a new topological deep learning model that goes beyond traditional graph-based approaches. Our model, a simplicial convolutional recurrent neural network, uses topological structures to capture complex neural relationships. This method allows us to predict head direction and location from neural data without needing prior similarity measures, proving effective in head direction and trajectory prediction.
In this talk, Murphy will discuss first solutions to some of the challenges we face in developing online RL algorithms for use in digital health interventions targeting patients struggling with health problems such as substance misuse, hypertension and bone marrow transplantation. Digital health raises a number of challenges to the RL community including different sets of actions, each set intended to impact patients over a different time scale; the need to learn both within an implementation and between implementations of the RL algorithm; noisy environments and a lack of mechanistic models. In all of these settings the online line algorithm must be stable and autonomous. Despite these challenges, RL, with careful initialization, with careful management of bias/variance tradeoff and by close collaboration with health scientists can be successful. We can make an impact!
Statistics is a young discipline! One entertaining way to make this point is to map a chronology of landmark statistical publications in parallel with those of a more mature discipline, namely physics. What stands out is that physics transitioned from classical, Newtonian physics into modern physics during the same decades that saw the emergence of classical, or frequentist statistics.
All attending, will be eligible for dozens of door prizes (mainly used statistical books).
The recent development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, especially the advance of deep neural network (DNN) technology, has revolutionized many fields. While DNN plays a central role in modern AI technology, it has been rarely used in sequencing data analysis due to challenges brought by high-dimensional sequencing data (e.g., overfitting). Moreover, due to the complexity of neural networks and their unknown limiting distributions, building association tests on neural networks for genetic association analysis remains a great challenge.
In this talk, Hou will introduce recent efforts to address these challenges and fill the important gap of using AI in high-dimensional sequencing data analysis. In the first, Hou will introduce a new kernel-based neural network (KNN) test for complex association analysis of sequencing data. The test is built on our previously developed kernel-based neural network model (KNN) framework. Based on KNN, a MINQUE-based test is introduced to evaluate the joint association of high-dimensional genetic data with a disease phenotype of interest, considering non-linear and non-additive effects (e.g., interaction effects). In the second part, Hou will present a mixed neural network (MNN) framework for high-dimensional risk prediction research. MNN is a novel neural network approach that inherits features from both linear mixed models (LMM) and classical neural networks to model high-dimensional data and complex genotype-phenotype relationships. Through simulation studies, we demonstrate the advantages of MNN for high-dimensional risk prediction analysis in terms of robustness and accuracy.
View September 27 Seminar Annoucement
Understanding the intricate biological mechanisms underlying diseases, such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders, is crucial for developing effective therapies. Genomics and transcriptomics offer invaluable insights into disease pathology. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) and third generation sequencing (TGS) ease high-throughput RNA/DNA sequencing, revolutionizing biomedical research. The unprecedented amount of data generated daily needs an interdisciplinary effort to address computational challenges. In this talk, Kang will discuss a recent project that highlights the challenges and opportunities in computational biology, highlighting how statistical approaches can lead to deeper biological insights.
He will share recent work on developing statistical methods that computationally untangle complex mixtures of cell types from bulk RNA sequencing data. A notable feature of their approach is its capability to simultaneously estimate individual-level, cell type-specific transcriptomics profiles and cell-type proportions. The method uses Bayesian hierarchical modeling to capture the heterogeneous nature of mixture data, employing a Markov Chain Monte Carlo procedure for parameter estimation and hyperparameter tuning. By deciphering cellular heterogeneity in complex tissues and improving downstream analyses of bulk RNA-seq data and spatial transcriptomics, the method holds significant promise for affecting biomedical research.
This presentation will explore the prescription drugs development process, from initial discovery to market approval, focusing on clinical trial designs for each development phase for Oncology therapies. The landscape of cancer treatment is rapidly evolving. The rise of targeted cancer therapies necessitates more intricate study designs. Unlike traditional chemotherapies, these therapies have distinct mechanisms of action, demanding innovative approaches to design to capture their effects. The objective of a Phase 1 clinical trial for chemotherapy is to obtain the maximum tolerated dose (MTD), while a targeted therapy may seek an optimum biological dose (OBD). Similarly, tumor shrinkage (endpoint: tumor response) may not be an appropriate efficacy measure for a targeted therapy when it slows the disease progression and helps patients survive (endpoint: progression-free survival) longer. This presentation highlights the key considerations for designing clinical trials, from selecting the appropriate patient population to determining sample size (by controlling Type I and Type II Error probabilities). We will review real-life examples of innovative designs in cancer patients.
This presentation delves into the innovative integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with advanced statistical methods, decision theory, and game theory, emphasizing their application in business for enhanced profitability and strategic advantage. The focus is on Bayesian multilevel models and their pivotal role in powering AI systems alongside LLMs and other methods. Attendees will gain insights into how these models effectively manage complex data structures and their importance in AI applications. Additionally, the talk will shed light on probabilistic programming, illustrating its role as a critical link that unites statistical modeling with machine learning in business contexts. Moreover, the synergy of decision theory and game theory with AI and Bayesian methodologies will be discussed, underscoring how these combined approaches inform optimal decision-making and strategy development in competitive business environments. Practical examples and real-world case studies will be presented to demonstrate the transformative potential of these integrated methods in shaping the future of data-driven business strategies.
The efficiency of data collection is crucial in many areas, including agriculture, engineering, and intelligent conversational systems. In this talk, Guo will present her recent work on optimizing the data collection strategy by developing advanced machine-learning techniques. The proposed approach centers around leveraging the power of deep neural networks and maximizing the information gained from data within the framework of Bayesian optimal experimental design (BOED). To measure the information gain, she will introduce an innovative contrastive mutual information (MI) estimator to serve as an information-rich criterion under the BOED framework. This new MI estimator addresses the drawbacks of existing estimators by eliminating the need for explicit probabilistic descriptions of the model or likelihood functions. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated by both numerical examples and real applications.
A multi-armed trial based on ordinal outcomes is proposed that leverages a flexible non-proportional odds cumulative logit model and numerical utility scores for each outcome to determine treatment optimality. This trial design uses a Bayesian clustering prior on the treatment effects that encourages the pairwise null hypothesis of no differences between treatments. A group sequential design is proposed to determine which treatments are clinically different with an adaptive decision boundary that becomes more aggressive as the sample size or clinical significance grows, or the number of active treatments decreases. A simulation study is conducted for three and five treatment arms, which shows that the design has superior operating characteristics (family wise error rate, generalized power, average sample size) compared to utility designs that do not allow clustering, a frequentist proportional odds model, or a permutation test based on empirical mean utilities.
JMP Pro statistics software combines comprehensive statistical capabilities with an interactive, no-code interface. Its ease-of-use makes it a strong teaching tool, and its powerful analysis capabilities have led to adoption across academia and industry. All LSU faculty and students have access to JMP Pro ().
On Sept. 15, the JMP Academic team will deliver two seminars on JMP Pro for basic-to-advanced data visualization, statistical modeling, and machine learning.
Join the LSU Department of Experimental Statistics to prepare for an exciting career in data analysis. As the primary source of statistical education, research, and service at LSU and the LSU AgCenter, our faculty is focused on providing you with the skills and knowledge you need to thrive in this field.
Our department has a strong orientation towards applied statistics, and we offer both thesis and non-thesis programs leading to a Master of Applied Statistics (M.Ap.Stat.) degree and Ph.D. in Statistics. With a range of specializations, our programs are tailored to help you achieve your unique career goals.
Discover our unparalleled opportunities for research and expert statistical support, and join our community of passionate statisticians today.