
LSU Energy, Coast & Environment Building

Energy, Coast and Environment Building

Energy Information Center Reservation Request

The Energy, Coast and Environment Building is home to the Center for Energy Studies and the College of the Coast & Environment.

The Energy Information Center (EIC), housed within and managed by the Center for Energy Studies (CES), was established with the inception of the Center in 1982. First housed at One East Fraternity Circle, in 2003 the EIC, along with CES, relocated to the newly constructed Energy, Coast, and Environment Building, where it remains today. 

The state-of-the-art facility features laboratories, research rooms, libraries, faculty offices, and conference rooms.

The Dalton J. Woods Auditorium provides a venue for commencement exercises, convocations, cultural events, and scientific meetings. A multipurpose conference room adjacent to the auditorium accommodates workshops, seminars, receptions, and special events.

The auditorium and conference room can be reserved via the Reservation Request Form from the menu on the left.

Room Reservation Request Form