
Louisiana Desktop Well Reference 2001

The Louisiana Desktop Well Reference (LDWR) is a Geographic Information System (GIS) for the Louisiana oil and gas industry. Developed using ESRI's Arcview software, the program is easy to use, allowing large amounts of data to be evaluated by combining geographical, image and well information.

Version 2001 includes a state map with all well locations, parish boundaries, section, township and range boundaries, primary, secondary and tertiary roads, permanent and intermittent streams and water polygons. It contains production data from January 1977 through October 2001 and current well status information.

To provide a smooth transition with the new implementation of Louisiana's database system, this version of the LDWR incorporates old and new data terminology. As before, queries may be executed from a menu or through the box selection tool. Reports are generated as simple ASCII text files that may be saved for future use and imported into any word processing, spreadsheet or database program.

Other changes include:

  • Auto install feature added.
  • De Soto and La Salle errors corrected.
  • Production files merged. No separate R1 and R5P data files.
  • disposition production dropped but several other data items added; opening & closing stocks, injection volumes, storage facility codes, and operator type codes.
  • Adjusted Chart display problem. Production over 100,000 prints a notification.
  • Adjusted several scripts to account for the new data format and fix minor problems.
  • Added well and production tables for wells and LUW codes with missing parish information.



Please see the Readme file for any additional last minute information.


NOTE: These files are provided for informational purposes only. The program does not run under the current Microsoft operating systems.

Click here to view the INSTALL.TXT file.
Click here to view the TIPS.TXT file.
Click here to view the FILEDESC.TXT file.



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