

Louisiana Parish Well Reference 2004

Cartographic, Production and Well information Reference 1900 - 2004


The Louisiana Parish Well Reference (LPWR) was a pilot project. Modeled after the Louisiana Desktop Well Reference it is a Geographic Information System (GIS) for the Louisiana oil and gas industry emphasizing the historical field and LUW production at the parish level.

The historical production data, including prior to 1977, was compiled from two sources from the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources Office of Conservation. Monthly LUW production was taken from the Production Audit Cards and annual field production was taken from the Annual Oil and Gas Reports.

Project parishes:

  • St. Bernard (available)
    Version 1.1 - adds the features from the Cameron Parish version.
  • Cameron (available)
    Version 1.0
  • Rapides and Vernon (reference includes both parishes) (available)
    Version 1.0


Easier to use and expanded custom interface featuring:

Easier Report Generation. Create Reports for: Well Information, Field Production,  Operator Production, LUW Production

Create log production charts

Create maps

New well query system. Locate wells by: Operator, Field, Well Serial, LUW Code, Well Status, Section, Township and Range

Expanded cross index lookup. Find all: Wells associated with a LUW code, LUW codes associated with a well, Operators in a field, Fields for an operator

Expanded code lookup: Operator Codes, Field Codes, Well Status Codes, LUW Type Codes

Cartographic Themes: Louisiana Index Map, Wells, Township & Range lines, Section Lines, Primary Roads, Secondary Roads, Tertiary Roads, Permanent Streams, Intermittent Streams, Water Polygons, Pipelines, Railroads, Parish Boundary, Coastal Zone, Offshore State Waters, Offshore Blocks, Inshore State Waters, Directional Lines,

Well Information:  Well Serial Number, Well Name, Well Number, API Number, Well Status and Date, Current Operator, Field Code and Name, Permit Date, Spud Date, Original Completion  Date, Last Perforation Date, Current LUW Code, Primary Product, Parish Code and Name, Last Three Perforations and Producing Sand, Measured and Bottom Hole Depths, Section,  Township and Range, Lambert Coordinates, Latitude and Longitude, Comments

Production Information: Monthly LUW Production from inception of the well, Annual Field Production from inception of the field from published reports



NOTE: This file is provided for informational purposes only. The program does not run under the current Microsoft operating systems.

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