Dynamic Score Analysis on House Bill 57
Greg Upton, LSU Center for Energy Studies
Dr. Gregory B. Upton, Jr., prepared a response to a February 10, 2021, request from Louisiana State Representative Jean-Paul Coussan, chair of the House Committee on Natural Resources and Environment, regarding an independent analysis of the impact of House Bill 57 of the 2021 Regular Session. The response includes a dynamic scoring analysis of the economic impact as a result of the proposed severance tax exemption. The analysis includes taxes, licenses, and fees (TLF) collected by state government, but not local governments. Analysis is based on the pre-filed version of HB57, filed on March 4, 2021. On May 3, 2021, Upton presented the analysis to the La. House Committee on Ways & Means.
View or download request letter.
View or download the response.