BS in Sport Administration

Sport Leadership – Leadership Roles within Athletics.

The Bachelor of Science in Sport Administration is designed to give students an opportunity to learn the fundamentals behind managing the complex and ever-changing sport industry. This is done by incorporating the latest curricular advancements, instituting best practices from industry experts, and harnessing industry experience within the classroom. A clear competitive advantage of the program is the ability to place students into practical sport settings within not only the Baton Rouge and New Orleans area, but also throughout the country. The students take courses in marketing strategies in the sport industry, organizing and administering sport events, managing sport facilities, understanding legal and ethical issues in sport, and more. Students gain practical experience through practicum experiences and an internship.

Admission Requirements

Students must satisfy the following minimum requirements to be admitted to the College of Health Sciences & Education, School of Kinesiology, Sport Administration Bachelor of Science degree:

  • 24 earned semester hours with a 2.2 cumulative and LSU gpa
  • English proficiency: ENGL 1001 – grade of “C” or better
  • General Education Math proficiency: ANALYTICAL REASONING (6 hours) – grade of “C” or better
  • General Education Natural Science proficiency: 3 hours of General Education Natural Science – grade of “C” or better 

Course Requirements

Completion of 120 total hours for degree:

  • General Education courses (39 hours)
  • Sport Administration Core Courses (39 hours)
    • ACCT 2000, KIN 2501, 2510, 2513, 2530, 3800, 3801, 3802, 3804, 4513, 4518, 4835
  • Sport Administration Concentration Courses (12 hours)
       Leadership Concentration – HRE 2723, HRE 3723, ISDS 1100, KIN 4517
  • Sport Administration Concentration Electives (12 hours)
  • Free Electives (18 hours)


The Bachelor of Science in Sport Administration is accredited by the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA). The program is designed to prepare students to enter careers in the sport industry. View more information about the 2023-2024 student achievement data, operational effectiveness goals and program information profile.


blue, white and gold circular seal with leaf wreath, text: COSMA, Accredited Institution

Sport Administration Concentrations

Sport Commerce

Sport Leadership


Contact Us

Dee Jacobsen, PhD
Phone: 578-3548



Program Area Faculty




Tyreal Qian

Claire Zvosec