Digital Maps Online
Historical Maps and Charts
- Provides pdf files of fragile, hard to locate Serial Set maps accessed by state and geographic location. Access limited to LSU students, faculty, and staff.
- "Provides, free of charge, aggregate census data and GIS-compatible boundary files for the United States between 1790 and 2010."
- Including Louisiana and Mississippi
- Choose "Louisiana" under "Select a State" or enter the chart number.
- a Google Earth based viewer for the Coast & Geodetic Survey and succussor agencies' shoreline surveys back to 1841. Shoreline surveys (coastal surveys, T-Sheets, or T- Surveys) refer to topographic sheets compiled from maps derived in the field with a plane table, in the office from aerial photographs, or a combination of the two methods. These shoreline surveys are the authoritative definition of the U.S. high-water line. This surveys are the first cartographic depiction of field data and are primary sources used to draft nautical charts. Includes descriptions and links to NOAA's T-sheet, nautical chart, aerial imagery, Lidar, and satellite imagery online collections.
The direct link to
Descriptions and links to NOAA's T-sheet, nautical chart, aerial imagery, Lidar, and satellite imagery
The CIC has copies of many available for researchers to view in the collection.
Colo from the Library of Congress - a searchable database of Sanborn fire insurance maps in the Library of Congress Geography and Map Division. Includes states other than Louisiana.
Louisiana Maps
- Maps and GIS data portal
- Easier access on the LSU Atlas site for when the USGS site is unavailable
- Maps and information on state-owned land by parish, off-shore zones included
- Downloadable PDFs of the Parish Soil Survey books
- Maps and information regarding floodplains in Louisiana provided by LSU Agcenter.
- LOUIS database of Sanborn maps of Louisiana cities. Access limited to LSU students, faculty, and staff.
Colo from the Library of Congress - a searchable database of Sanborn fire insurance maps in the Library of Congress Geography and Map Division. Includes states other than Louisiana.
- Louisiana "ecoregions as defined by phenomena including geology, physiography, vegetation, climate, soils, land use, wildlife, and hydrology." Provided by the EPA in PDF and as GIS files.
- Land loss maps
- Flood studies for Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas from FEMA's RAMPP - Risk Assessment, Mapping, and Planning Partners.
Map Viewers
- U.S. state maps showing landforms with or without county boundaries
- View large scale U.S. street maps based on street address and zip code
- View CIA Maps, Maps in the News, world cities and countries
- Query and order satellite images, aerial photographs, and cartographic products through the U.S. Geological Survey.
US Maps
- Downloadable PDFs of the County Soil Survey books
- Web Soil Survey (WSS) provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. It has soil maps and data available online for more than 95 percent of the nation’s counties and anticipates having 100 percent in the near future.
- Nationwide collection of official digital flood insurance rate maps created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
- Environmental Sensitivity Maps provide a concise summary of coastal resources that are at risk if an oil spill occurs nearby.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- for the United States
Cartographic Materials Citation Style Guide
– Downloadable pdf from the Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives (ACMLA). Provides the basic citation form and many citation examples for maps, maps in publications, globes, aerial photographs, satellite imagery, GIS files, and other digital maps.