Tiger Band Resources
This page contains a list of resources and forms intended for current Tiger Band members. If you have any difficulties accessing or using these resources, please contact the Department of Bands front office at bands@lsu.edu or (225) 578-2384.
Room Schedules
The use of Department of Bands-controlled spaces may be requested by Tiger Band students for band-related reasons, such as sectionals. All requests are evaluated by staff and/or directors prior to approval.
To request use of a space, first consult the appropriate room calendar to check availability, then submit the Room Reservation Request Form. If a Department of Bands-controlled space is not available, you may request a School of Music Building or Music & Dramatic Arts Building space by visiting the School of Music website.
Graduation Regalia
The LSU Department of Bands offers unique graduation stoles for eligible members of the LSU Tiger Marching Band. All proceeds benefit the department's summer band camps and programs to aid in future recruiting. The eligibility requirements are as follows:
- Only available for purchase by students graduating in the semester for which the stole is being purchased. (Not available for purchase by past graduates or for future use.)
- Students must have been a member of Tiger Band for at least 2 consecutive years. Band Managers and Social Outreach Team members who meet this consecutive season criteria are also eligible.
Absence Request
All absence requests must be submitted to be considered for approval. This includes if you need to miss Tiger Band for health-related issues such as illness or a positive COVID-19 test.
Challenge Requests
All requests to challenge must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. CST the Sunday PRIOR to when the challenge will take place. Halftime challenges will take place on Tuesdays directly after rehearsal. Pregame challenges will take place on Wednesdays after rehearsal. If you are challenging for both, submit the form twice.
Please inform both the person you are challenging and your section leader(s) of your intent.
Uniform Accessories & Issues
All uniform issues, such as loose or missing buttons, fabric tears, broken collar fasteners, etc. must be reported as quickly as possible to facilitate timely resolutions.
You may also request replacement uniform accessories such as battery packs, shoes, e-flips, and section leader / senior cords. The replacement costs for each accessory are listed in the Tiger Band Handbook & Syllabus, linked at the top of this page. After submitting your request, you will receive an email from the Department of Bands office confirming your purchase.
Instruments, Accessories & Repairs
Request to check out an instrument from the LSU School of Music inventory. Note that instrument availability is highly limited; if you have a personal instrument, please plan to use that instead.
Repairs will be handled as they are requested. Please provide as much information as possible about the problem / necessary repair when filling out the form.
If you have difficulties submitting a request, contact instruments@lsu.edu.
Comp Ticket Request
All members of the LSU Tiger Marching Band enrolled in MUS 4250 are entitled to one (1) comp ticket to every paid School of Music performance. Requests must be made through the form linked below at least 72 hours in advance.
If you have difficulties submitting a request, consult this help document or contact lsucmda@lsu.edu.
Building Access Request
Student staff may request access to the Tiger Band Hall using their Tiger Cards. Requests for access are reviewed by both the Department of Bands, the College of Music & Dramatic Arts, and then ultimately activated by LSU Facility Services. The level of access given is in direct relation to any needs in your role. For instance, a wind section leader would not receive access to drumline/percussion storage or the staff room.
All card access is tracked and all entrances to our facility are monitored by LSUPD. Misuse or abuse of access permissions may result in loss of those permissions and/or further action by the university. If you have access and your card is lost or stolen, deactivate it as soon as possible through the and inform the Department of Bands.
Submit Building Access Request