Jane Cassidy

Senior Vice Provost
Gianelloni Alumni Professor of Music Education



Jane Cassidy is the Roy and Margaret Gianelloni Professor of Music Education at Louisiana State University. Currently she is serving as Senior Vice Provost. In addition to her administrative responsibilities, she continues to teach classes in music education, supervise graduate research, and maintain an active research portfolio. Her teaching responsibilities have included courses in elementary music education, music in special education, psychology of music, and measurement and evaluation. Dr. Cassidy has presented workshops on current issues in elementary music education including the inclusive music classroom, curriculum development, classroom management strategies, and teacher effectiveness. Her research interests center around musical development of infants and children, music education for children with special needs, music perception, and teaching/learning strategies. Most notably, her research with critically premature infants elicited cross discipline interest from the music therapy and medical communities for its impact on establishing protocol for presentation of music in the NICU.

She has an extensive record of research presentation at conferences of NAfME: The National Association for Music Education and the American Music Therapy Association. She has published in music education and music therapy journals, has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Research in Music Education and the Journal of Music Therapy, and as Chair of the Music Education Research Council of MENC. In 1999 she was awarded a prestigious Distinguished Professor Award for excellence in teaching, research, and service at LSU.


image of jane cassidy


156D2 Thomas Boyd Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-2504