

Donations play an important role in setting international students into their new home and lifestyle. Many students arrive with few, if any, household supplies and have limited budgets for even basic necessities.

The Loan Closet is a low-cost resource for such items as small appliances, dishes, cookware, baby equipment, clothes hangers, fans, curtains, lamps, ironing boards, sheets, blankets and towels.

Donations to the Loan Closet are tax deductible. Contributions may be made, or volunteer time offered, by contacting the IHF office at (225) 578-3015 or the Loan Closet at (225) 578-8307.

Loan Closet address:
Room 133 Parker Coliseum

to see the location of the building on campus.

Hours of Operation:
Thursdays from 1:00 PM through 4:00 PM in the fall and spring semesters.