

Mission Statement

The Asian, Asian American Pacific Islander Faculty and Staff Caucus at LSU was founded in May 2021 in the wake of the increase in violence against our community during the pandemic. The organization provides solidarity and support to A/AAPI faculty, staff, and students to ensure that LSU upholds its responsibilities to us. We believe that the caucus must empower the A/AAPI community to speak out against anti-Asian violence, xenophobia, and racism, by helping to provide appropriate channels for redressal. Importantly, we also aim to foster awareness of A/AAPI issues through educational and cultural programming and social events. The caucus thus advocates for the inclusion of the A/AAPI community as stakeholders in every aspect of university life. 

Who We Are

We are LSU faculty and staff who stand in solidarity with the A/AAPI community. We are tenured and untenured faculty, deans, department chairs and coordinators, directors of academic programs, university administrators, high computational physicists, veterinarians, English teachers, literary critics, psychologists, geologists, professionals in residence, art historians, and so much more. We speak many languages; we are members of many faith communities; we have cross-generational roots in many nations; we are composed of many ethnicities. But we are united in our belief that we are stronger together



  • Join us for our social event, “Coffee with Caucus,” Bring your friends—we love welcoming new people to our community and seeing those we haven’t seen in a while.
    • When: Friday, May 3, 2024
    • What time: 3-5 pm
    • Where: In front of the LSU Design Building under the Oak tree
  • Join us to watch and discuss the movie “Sight”! It's a great chance to meet Dr. Ming Wang, a Harvard and MIT MD and PhD who is also a world-renowned eye surgeon. Bring your friends—we like welcoming newcomers to our community and reconnecting with old acquaintances. Looking forward to seeing many of you on May 5, 2024!
    • When: Sunday, May 5, 2024
    • What time: 1 - 4 pm
    • Where:  301 Magnolia Room, LSU Student Union
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