Information for Students

Getting Started with Dual Enrollment

Embark on your college adventure with dual enrollment (DE) at LSU. Here’s what you need to know:

  • LSU doesn’t offer DE courses directly to you; your high school must be part of the LSU College Readiness Program for you to enroll in an LSU DE course.
  • Each DE course costs $100 per credit hour each semester.
  • Your college transcript will permanently include the grades you earn in DE courses.

Understanding the Benefits

Dual enrollment (DE) provides several advantages:

  • Convenience: DE enables students to take LSU courses in their familiar high school environment, alongside teachers and peers they already know.
  • Acceleration: DE empowers students to complete a significant portion of their first-year college coursework while still in high school, potentially shortening the time needed to earn an LSU degree.
  • Cost Savings: DE offers LSU courses at a reduced tuition rate.
  • Academic Preparedness: DE equips students with the skills and readiness necessary for advanced coursework at LSU.
  • Improved Performance: DE students who earn credit for LSU College Algebra and Trigonometry typically achieve higher GPAs in their first year at LSU compared to students who do not have DE credit.

Understanding the Criteria

To qualify for DE, you must meet these criteria:

  • Attend a Louisiana public or private high school within the LSU College Readiness Program.
  • Maintain good standing according to your high school’s standards.
  • Meet the specific requirements and prerequisites for each college course.
  • Be concurrently enrolled in the corresponding high school course and have grades recorded on both your secondary and postsecondary academic records.

Requesting Your Records

You can get two types of documents from LSU to keep track of your completed classes:

  • College Record (Unofficial Transcript): This informal transcript is free if you’re a current student with login credentials via the . For guidance, check out . Keep in mind that it may not include your most recent semester’s coursework.
  • Transcript (Official Document): LSU offers an official transcript showing your DE courses and grades. There’s a $10 fee per copy for transcript requests, whether you want it sent to you or another institution.


If you have any questions about transcripts or college records, please contact the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) at or call 225-578-1686. OUR is responsible for all official academic records within LSU’s Enrollment Management division. It’s important to note that LSU College Readiness Dual Enrollment Program does not handle or respond to inquiries about college records or transcripts.