
General Information

Department Overview

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is a LSU Foundation of Excellence Program.

We offer the following programs:

  • BS in Civil Engineering
  • BS in Environmental Engineering
  • MS in Civil Engineering
  • MS in Coastal and Ecological Engineering
  • PhD in Civil Engineering


A Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering that is recognized in the state, nationally and worldwide for excellence in engineering education, fundamental and applied research, and leadership in professional and public service. This excellence derives from high-quality students and faculty, a dedicated and proficient support staff, a collegial and cooperative spirit, well-equipped and maintained experimental and computational facilities, achievements of our graduates, and research that makes a difference for the engineering community and society.


The Mission of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) is to be a comprehensive department that encompasses excellence in undergraduate and graduate education, research, and public service.  We achieve this mission by:

  • Continuing to be ABET accredited in undergraduate education and constantly responding to the educational needs of the state of Louisiana and the Nation;
  • Training, inspiring, and mentoring the next generation of leaders for the state, region and the Nation to formulate and solve problems of societal importance, to collaborate as productive team members, to engage in life-long learning and to act professionally and ethically;
  • Being the state and regional leader in extending the state of knowledge and technology through forward-thinking, innovative fundamental and applied research;
  • Facilitating the understanding and use of new ideas, technologies, and practices for the betterment of society through service and leadership in local, state, national, and international communities and engagement in life-long learning

Strategic Goals

Strategy One:  Preparing LSU Civil & Environmental Engineers for a Dynamic World

Preparing students for a rapidly changing, dynamic world


Strategy Two: Conducting Research to Improve Quality of Life

Conducting research to improve quality of life with a specific focus on resilient and sustainable natural and built infrastructure and concern for the impact on our natural (environmental) systems.


Strategy Three: Student Recruitment and Diversity

Fostering a culture of diversity


Strategy Four: Improving and Diversifying Louisiana’s Economy

Improving and diversifying Louisiana’s economy


Strategy Five: Enhancing Retention - Making the CEE Department a Friendly Learning Environment

Enhancing retention and making the College of Engineering a student-friendly learning environment


Strategy Six: Improving the Department’s Visibility – Locally, Nationally and Globally

Improving the COE’s visibility – locally, nationally and internationally


Strategy Seven: Developing Diverse Streams of Support

Developing diverse, entrepreneurial methods of income and financial support


Strategy Eight: Provide an Environment in Effective Decision Making

Providing an environment conducive to effective decision-making.