Graduate Degree Requirements
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
The Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (MS in ChE) is available with either a thesis or non-thesis option.Whenever practicable, students are encouraged to pursue the thesis option, and it is only this option for which financial aid is available from the department. The thesis option is composed of 24 credit hours of formal coursework and a six credit thesis () while the non-thesis option is composed of 36 credit hours of formal coursework and a comprehensive examination. Regardless of their program option, all ChE MS students must complete the chemical engineering graduate core program, , , , and , or equivalents.
Students in the non-thesis MS program must pass a written comprehensive examination within one year of their enrollment. Students in the thesis MS program must pass a final examination consisting of a comprehensive oral examination.
The departmental-level academic course plan for each student will be developed in consultation with and approved by the student’s graduate advisory committee. The committee will include the student’s major advisor and at least two additional members of the graduate faculty such that the LSU Graduate School’s requirements for graduate committees are satisfied.
Students can transfer a maximum of nine hours of coursework to LSU for the MS degree from another US institution with a maximum of two core courses eligible for transfer. Every credit transfer is at the discretion of the Director of Graduate Studies.
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering
The Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering (PhD in ChE) from LSU requires 24 hours of credit in dissertation research and a minimum of 30 hours of credit at the graduate level. A minimum of 18 hours of credit in ChE courses at the 7000 level or above are required, exclusive of any type of independent studies credit except for special project credit earned. The remaining 12 hours of coursework can include graduate level courses in any department and may constitute a formal minor or an informal collection of courses of interest.
All graduate students are required to complete the four chemical engineering core courses (, , , and ) within their first year in the graduate program unless special permission is requested by the student and granted from the department chair. The ability to continue in the PhD program is contingent on the performance in these classes.
A student earning a GPA greater than or equal to a 3.0 in the core classes may remain in the PhD program (i.e., begin working on the general exam).
A student earning a GPA below 3.0 in the core classes must proceed to the MS program. After a successful MS defense, the student may petition for readmission to the PhD program. This petition must be approved by the student’s major advisor, MS thesis committee, and the department chair.
After earning a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the four core graduate classes (, , , and ) or successfully defending a thesis MS and receiving permission of their major advisor, MS committee, and the department chair to proceed into the PhD program, the student becomes eligible to take the General Examination, which is an oral defense of a written plan for doctoral research. The General Examination must be completed within 12 months of when the student becomes eligible unless special permission to delay the examination is requested and received from the department. A student’s contract may be revoked if the student does not meet this requirement. A final examination must also be passed. The final examination is an oral defense of the doctoral dissertation.
The departmental-level academic course plan for each student will be developed in consultation with and approved by the student’s graduate advisory committee. The committee will include the student’s major advisor and at least two additional members of the graduate faculty such that the LSU Graduate School’s requirements for graduate committees are satisfied.
Students already holding a master’s degree in chemical engineering can transfer up to nine hours of coursework, with a maximum of two core courses eligible for transfer. Every credit transfer is at the discretion of the Director of Graduate Studies. A minimum of six hours of coursework numbered 7300 or greater must be taken at LSU, regardless of the transferred credit.
CHE 7800 (Seminar)
Seminars from visiting scholars or experts provide a valuable opportunity for graduate students to learn about research trends at a high level. The Cain Department of Chemical Engineering has been holding approximately five to ten graduate seminars each fall and spring semester for at least the last two decades.
All full-time graduate students are required to register for CHE 7800 (1) every fall and spring semester. This course consists of up to 14 (one hour) weekly seminars including presentations and discussions on current research topics and other special interests in chemical engineering and related fields.
Prereq.: graduate standing in engineering. Pass-fail grading. Full-time graduate students are expected to enroll in this course every fall and spring semester. Only one semester hour of credit will be allowed toward degree.
Full-time Enrollment
A full-time graduate student holding a research or teaching assistantship is expected to register and complete at least 12 credit hours of graduate coursework during the fall and spring semesters and nine credit hours of graduate coursework during the summer term. The required credit hours can be entirely formal coursework, a combination of formal coursework and research credits, or entirely research credits.
More details regarding LSU Graduate School requirements can be found in the .