
B. Ramu Ramachandran

B. Ramu RamachandranB. Ramu Ramachandran

Associate VP for Research, Dean of Graduate School, T. L. James Eminent Scholar Chair Professor, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston.






Computational materials science; computationalchemistry.


First principles simulations of structures and properties of solids and surfaces; Density functional theory applied to metal/ceramic interfaces and oxidation of metals and alloys.


PhD in Chemistry from Kansas State University (1987); post-doctoral fellowship at University of Texas at Austin (1987-89).


One project in our group supportedby CIMM is aimed at understandingthe properties of metal/ceramic interfaces and their failure mechanisms at the atomistic scale when subjected to shear loading. This work requires extensive first principles Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations.To address the shear failure mechanismat larger length scales, we are also developingnew Modified Embedded Atom Method (MEAM) potentials using DFT calculations. Another CIMM-supported effort involves the study of oxidation of metals and alloys, again using DFT calculations.


B. Ramu Ramachandran Research Image  B. Ramu Ramachandran Research Image