
About Us | CIMM Technical Meeting

About Us

The Consortium for Innovation in Manufacturing and Materials (CIMM) leverages a network of university intellect; state resources and centers of excellence, including LSU’s National Center for Advanced Manufacturing (NCAM) and LA-SiGMA to propagate research, workforce development and diversity, K-12 outreach and education in support of advanced manufacturing technologies. The project develops the underlying scientific and engineering knowledge to advance applications in 3-D metal printing and multi-scale metal forming.

Specific scientific research goals include: 1) an understanding of the mechanisms controlling mechanical integrity of interfaces between coatings and metallic substrates; 2) an understanding of the mechanical size effects relevant to multi-scale forming and replication; and 3) experimentally calibrated and validated plasticity and interfacial fracture models and simulation tools. Technologically, we will develop multi-scale metal forming and feature replication technologies with the support of modeling and simulation for mass production of devices with high technical and economic impact, as presented in the STT1 demonstrations section.

A suite of initiatives integrated with the R&D program will maximize CIMM’s broader impacts and sustainability. The educational outreach program will provide advanced hands-on training in manufacturing-relevant skills for students at two- and four-year institutions. New manufacturing-related course modules will have statewide impact through the five CIMM institutions, including two Historically Black Colleges and Universities. A proposed Central User Facility that houses specialized instrumentation to support R&D, education, training, and workforce development programs will constitute a major improvement in statewide infrastructure. The recruiting, retention, and diversity efforts, guided by a Diversity Advisory Council, will help increase the participation of traditionally underrepresented groups in CIMM activities.

Brief History

In-State Pre-Proposal Competition: April 2014

Final Proposal Submission to NSF on Behalf of Louisiana: August 2014

Proposal Recommended at NSF for Full Funding: April/May 2015

Formal NSF Award: August 2015

CIMM Research Roadmap

CIMM Road Map

The CIMM research roadmap: Shared and complementary experimental and computational resources will be linked to address the common scientific and technological challenges, with focus on the two chosen STTs. The program outcomes are: strong multidisciplinary and multi-institutional R&D teams, critical experimental infrastructure and predictive multiscale modeling and simulation, statewide education, outreach, and workforce development for advanced manufacturing, and national center of excellence in advanced manufacturing innovation.

CIMM Program Foci