
George Z. Voyiadjis

George Z. VoyiadjisGeorge Z. Voyiadjis

Boyd Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.





Computational solid mechanics; Computational materials science.


Voyiadjis’ primary expertise is in plasticity and damage mechanics of metals, metal matrixcomposites,polymers and ceramics with emphasis on the theoretical modeling, numerical simulation of material behavior, and experimental correlation.


D.Eng.Sc. (Engineering Mechanics), May 1973, Columbia University.
M.Sc. (Civil Engineering), May 1970, California Institute of Technology.


The current research in our group, supported by CIMM, focuses on nonlocal continuum modelling and atomistic simulation ofsmall scale metal forming and pattern replication. Majorscientific issues addressed include intrinsic and extrinsic materials’ size effects relevant to sub-mm to micron scale forming and replication. The size effects in metallic samples of confined volumes are addressed during the nanoindentation and micropillar compression experiments. We are developing continuum models in metallic samples of confined volumes to capture the size effectsobserved during the atomistic simulations and microscale, in-situ, mechanical experiments.
example photos of polymers