
MSCM- Online Delivery

The LSU Online professional version of the Master of Science in Construction Management has been developed by global academic leaders in construction education.  It is intended for the military, industry professional or for those interested in a career change who are unable to attend traditional lectures and have access to the Internet.  It is a professional practice-orientated advanced degree that offers a unique blend of 36 credit hours of construction management and business management courses.  The degree is designed to develop leaders/managers for building projects with mastery in the best practices contained within sustainability, building information modeling, project delivery, and decision making. Those without a construction related baccalaureate degree may be required to complete leveling (foundation) CM courses prior to graduation

The Professional M.S. in Construction Management program was recently ranked by U.S. News & World Report as one of the best online engineering programs in the U.S.

US News & World Report Logo

  • Ranked 16th overall
  • Ranked 12th overall among public colleges and universities in the U.S.
  • Ranked 1st for Faculty Credentials and Training
  • Ranked 12th for Student Engagement
  • Ranked 10th in engineering programs for veterans

The Online MSCM program is offered in the Professional path:

This path is offered to LSU Online students only. This is a professional practice-orientated advanced degree that offers a unique blend of 36 credit hours of construction management, engineering and business management courses. The degree is designed to develop leaders and managers for construction projects with mastery in the best practices contained within sustainability, building information modeling, project delivery, and decision making.

The program requires 36 credit hours of graduate studies. Hours are divided into two required categories:

Core Courses

9 credit hours (3 required courses)

CM 7010 Research Methods in Construction Management (3)  
CM 7030 Project Delivery (3) 
CM 7222 Human Factors & Leadership (3)  

CM Electives

27 credit hours (9 courses) selected with approval by the MSCM Online Program Coordinator, Dr. Kimberley Williams

See Our MSCM Campus Program if you are interested in our Executive path and Research path.

Questions? Ask an Online Program Specialist now!