
Accelerated Master's Program

The Accelerated MS program allows a student to receive a BS and an MS degree in five years. Students in the program work with faculty advisors to tailor their undergraduate technical credits to develop a foundation for their MS theses or project.

Admission Requirements

  • Students must have a 3.5 cumulative GPA
  • Students must have 60 undergraduate hours completed at LSU


Students are allowed to take a maximum of half the required hours for their MS as an undergraduate. This means that students can complete 12 credit hours of their MS while enrolled in their undergraduate degree. These 12 hours can also count toward their undergraduate degree. Once these 12 hours are reached the student is no longer allowed to take MS courses while enrolled in their undergraduate degree.

For detailed information about the requirements for a MS in computer science please see the MS Policy and Requirements.

How to Fill out the Required Form

  1. Fill in all personal information which can usually be found on the students degree audit or their unofficial transcript.
  2. Fill in the courses and the needed information about them. The specifics are located on the form.
  3. Next, the student will need to get the signatures of 3 professors which will be a part of their advisory committee. The Major Professor should be the main professor the student will be working under in their MS program.
  4. The Chair or advisor of the department's signature is needed. In this case it is the Chair of Computer Science, Bijaya B. Karki. Bijaya Karki is also the Chair of Proposed Department or the Interdisciplinary Program. Please make sure that Bijaya Karki signs for both of these signatures (signatures 1 and 3).
  5. The Dean of the college's signature can be given by an advisor at the Student Services center located on the 2nd floor of Patrick F. Taylor. This is the 2nd signature (line 2).
  6. The bottom most signature is done when the student submits the form to the Graduate School.
  7. The form is now complete and the student can submit the form to gradsvcs@lsu.edu.