
MMTEF Work Order Submission Protocols | LSU Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Work Order Submission Protocol

In order to submit a work order to access the resources and services of the Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Materials Manufacturing Testing and Evaluation Facility (MMTEF) please follow the work order submission protocol below:

  • For all Work Orders contact: Mark Brennan (mbrennan@lsu.edu)*.
  • Prior to submitting a Work Order: e-mail description and any relevant information to Mark.
  • To obtain an estimate: Meet with Mark to discuss.
  • Standard Meeting Window: 08:30 to 11:30 am, Mondays through Fridays.
  • When to expect an estimate (Cost & Delivery): Within three working days from meeting+.
  • Request is accepted and assigned: After the Work Order has been signed by the person responsible for the account to be charged.
  • All changes or additions: Must be submitted through Mark**.

* Or his designee.
+ Access dates are contingent upon availability and upon obtaining auxiliary materials and making the necessary preparation by the users, and is not within the control of the MMTEF. You will be informed of the time-frame for access.
** May affect the final cost and time-line.