
Shop Job Submission Protocols | LSU Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Work Order Submission Protocol

In order to submit a work order for manufacturing, machining and fabrication services to the Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Advanced Manufacturing and Machining Facility (AMMF) please follow the work order submission protocol below:

  • For all Work Orders contact: Roger Green (rogerg@lsu.edu)*.
  • Prior to submitting a Work Order: e-mail description and complete drawings to Nic.
  • To obtain an estimate: Meet with Nic to discuss.
  • Standard Meeting Window: 08:30 to 11:30 am, Mondays through Fridays.
  • When to expect an estimate (Cost & Delivery): Within a working day from meeting+.
  • Job is accepted and assigned: After the Work Order has been signed by the person responsible for the account to be charged.
  • All changes or additions: Must be submitted through Nic**.
  • Completed job delivery: Nic will inspect job and deliver during a face-to-face meeting with the customer.

The AMMF is in high demand because of the Capstone "Senior" Design Program cycle during the period: January 15 – May 15.
Please take this into consideration in your planning when you need services not related to the Capstone Program.

* Or his designee.
+ Delivery date is contingent upon obtaining materials in a suitable time frame as delivery of materials is not within the control of the AMMF. You will be informed of the time-frame for delivery of materials related to your job.
** May affect the final cost and delivery date.